- Student Profile - Data, Documents, and Uploads FAQ
- Student profiles and student data videos
- Adding a UPN to a student
- Delete or merge a student or duplicate profile
- Previous guardians for Looked After (In Care) students
- Date of Entry into the school
- Recording details of external agency involvement
- Reporting on students' previous schools
- What notes can we report on in bulk?
- Court Orders and stopping guardians from logging in
- How can I view all upcoming student birthdays?
- Add a former name and documents for the name change
- See your leavers or students who have left between two dates
- Update information for students in bulk - UCIs, funded hours, YSSA
- Items you can pin on the student profile for Safeguarding and Alerts
- Planned learning and EEP hours
- Add a Responsible Authority for a Looked After (In Care) student
- Finding a student profile
- Setting up and managing Bursary records