Reporting on students' previous schools

There are a couple of ways in Arbor to see what schools your students attended previously.

Reporting on what the school name

Option 1 - Joiners Report

Go to Students > All Students > Browse Students > Joiners (on the left).

On this page, you can see students that have joined your school since the beginning of the current academic year, or you can click change to filter for a specific date range. 

This table contains a 'Previous School' column which shows you where students came from if known.



You can export this report by clicking on Download and choosing a format.


Option 2 - Custom Report Writer

Go to School > Custom Report Writer > Create New Report. You can find out more about using the Custom Report Writer here: Creating a report

Give your report a title and select that the report is regarding Students.

When you get to Step 3, search for the column 'School History' and drag this to the right-hand side then click on 'Skip setup wizard' at the bottom.

You can either click Save and view report or you can filter the report. If for example, you wanted to see which schools your new Year 7 students have come from, you can select the filter for 'Year Group' followed by Add Filter.


In the slide over you get next, you can add a Filter Condition and select the Year Group(s) you want the report to look at.



The report will list students' previous schools side by side and you can export the report by clicking Download and selecting a format.


Previous school attendance

The Arbor MIS does not display attendance marks from previous schools in the same way it does for current attendance. You can see more information here: Attendance marks for previous school from an imported CTF

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