Setting up In-house Examinations

For exams that are only administered at specific times at your school, such as mock exams, you can use In-house Examinations. 

Before setting up In-house exams

Make sure you have added your in-house exam candidates and added in-house candidate numbers: Set up your In-house exam candidates

To schedule in-house exams, you will need to have first set up your exam rooms. For instructions on how to set up your rooms, see this article.


You'll need the Qualifications: Administer All/My Students permission to set up in-house exams. If someone can't access a certain area, you can give them the right permission using these instructions

How long will it take?

  • Setting up the exam - 5 minutes
  • Add instances - 5 minutes
  • Enter candidates - 10 minutes
  • Allocate exam rooms - 15 minutes


Adding a new exam

Go to Students > In-house Exams > Examinations. Here you can set up and manage your In-house Exams.

Top Tip: Book mark this page to be taken back to the same filter settings.



Step 1 - Set Up the In-house Exam

To schedule a new In-house exam, click '+Add'.

Choose whether to create a new exam or base this In-house exam on a historic exam.



When you create a new exam, no data about past exams will be used.



If you choose a historic exam, you can select the academic year, qualification and assessable. For example, you could base your In-house exam on the Maths June Paper 1 to set up your In-house exam paper in the same way the June paper was.

When selecting historic exam, a slide over will appear. Fill in your Exam title, the duration of the exam and the academic year, qualification and assessable you would like to base your In-house exam on. 



Click create. Your exam will now appear on the In-house Exams dashboard.



Click the exam to access the In-house Exam Overview.


Step 2 - Add Exam Instances

An instance is a period of time within which all your candidates will sit the exam. This means if you were to repeat the mock exam with another group of students in a year, you can create another instance.

To create an instance, click the link in the blue banner.


For example, you know all your year 11 students will take a maths mock exam at some point during the next week, depending on when their maths lessons are. You can set the instance to cover the week period.

Please note: In order to prevent the 'Potential clash' indicator from appearing when setting up in-house exams, you can set the in-house exam instances to start on a day when there will be no exam sittings, such as setting the instance to start a day before.


You can create another instance by clicking the Create New Instance button.


Step 3 - Enter candidates

Use the drop-down menu to select the right instance, then click the 1) Enter Candidates button.



You will be presented with a slide over where you can select the relevant instance and students. You can select either a group of students or you can select them individually.

To automatically register these students as in-house exam candidates, tick the box. This means if a student has not been defined as an In-house exam candidate already, they will automatically be added as a candidate and a candidate number will be generated.

Then click Enter Candidates.

Top Tip: If you've already entered a group of students for an exam instance, you can select that instance as a student group to save time when entering the same candidates for subsequent instances.




All the candidates you've selected will then be entered into the in-house exam instance.

You can withdraw students using the Bulk actions



You can also click on the No room allocated link to withdraw them.


Step 4 - Allocate Exam Rooms

Once you've entered your candidates, you can choose when and where each candidate will sit the exam. Click the 2) Allocate Exam Rooms button.



On the next page, you'll see the exam details, the numbers of candidates in rooms and seated, and the number of candidates with access arrangements. You can also see access arrangements in the table below.



To allocate students to a room and time, just tick the boxes next to the students, and click the Bulk action button. Select Allocate Exam Room



In the slide over, select the time and date to start the exam for the students you've selected, and select the room where the exam will take place. Then click Allocate Candidates to Room.



When you've allocated all your candidates to rooms, you can see in the table these details are now filled in. 

The table above the main table shows how many students are in each room and for what period of time. You can see that students with Extra Time are separated out, so you can see their details.



Want to edit a candidate's allocation? Just click the boxes next to the students, click the Bulk action button and select Allocate Candidates to Room again. In the slide over, select the new allocation. In this example, I've set the time to be an hour later for one student.



To remove the allocation of an exam time, date or room, just click the boxes next to the students. Click the Bulk action button and select Clear exam room allocation.



In the slide over, confirm the changes and click Unseat candidates. You'll see in the main table that the candidates are no longer allocated a time, date or exam room.




Deleting or editing an in-house exam

If you need to delete or edit an in-house exam or the time of the instance, go to Students > In-house Exams and select the exam.

Click the Duration or Name to edit these fields or delete the exam.



Click the in-house exam instance date and click Edit to edit the time and date of the instance, or click the red button to delete the instance.



What's next?

Once you have added the in-house exams you'll be running, you may wish to generate timetables of these to share. You can do this using the same area as your regular exams: Creating, printing and sharing candidate exam timetables

Then once the exams are complete, you can record the results: Adding In-house Exam results

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