Setting up, editing and deleting exam rooms, rooms sizes and layouts

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This article provides a step-by-step guide on setting up, editing, and deleting exam rooms, including adding rooms, customizing layouts, and managing room capacities. It emphasizes the importance of configuring exam rooms before scheduling exams and outlines the necessary actions for modifying room sizes and layouts.

You should set up exam rooms before you do any scheduling of exams.

Set Up Examination Rooms

Step 1 - Add rooms

Go to Students > Examinations > Administration > Set Up Examination Rooms to see a grid of all the rooms you have already set up as possible exam rooms. To add a new room, click the green button.



Select the rooms you want to add as exam rooms and click 'Mark as Examination Rooms'.

If you don't see the room you want to add, be sure you've added it to your site using these instructions.



Step 2 - Add the room layout

The rooms are now available to select when assigning exams to rooms. 

As you can see below, the room layout must be input in order to set the set capacity - click the missing layout. 



Click Edit Room Capacity to input how many rows and columns of candidates the room can fit. The number of candidates the room can fit is initially calculated as the number of rows multiplied by the number of columns.




Click Save to set the Candidate seat capacity, as shown below.



Step 3 - Customise the layout and available seats

You can now customise your exam room layout by selecting the exam room and clicking the green Edit Room Layout button.



Toggle each seat as Available or Unavailable to define the room’s layout, change its shape or skip over certain areas.



Select multiple cells using by clicking and dragging or holding your control key. Click the Bulk action button to Bulk fill.




You can then close the slide over.



The candidate seat capacity will now be updated to account for any seats marked as Unavailable.



Editing the room size

Go to Students > Examinations > Administration > Set Up Examination Rooms and select the room. Click Edit Room Capacity to change the size.



Please note, this is only possible if you have no candidates seated in this room for forthcoming exams. If you do, you'll need to unseat all candidates, then change.



Deleting a Room Layout

If you have made a mistake in an exam room layout, you can delete the layout and start again. To do this, click the exam room and select either Edit Room Layout or Edit Room Capacity. Then click the red Remove Room Layout button.



Please note, this is only possible if you have no candidates seated in this room. If you do, you will receive a message that explain why it isn't possible. You'll need to unmark the exam as an exam room.


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  • Can an examination room be deleted


  • Hi Jan, you can delete an exam room from School > Timetable > Sites and Rooms > Rooms. Just select the room and click to delete it.

  • With expanding cohorts year on year, it would be really useful to be able to redefine the seating format for larger venues. To be able to label columns / rows as 1A, 1B etc in addition to the current A1, A2 etc.

  • Hi Andy, it isn't possible to do this right now, but you can see how to submit this for future consideration here.


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