Boost - (Primaries) Make the most out of Assessments and summative analysis

Begin, Build, Boost

You're at Boost, the third step in your school's journey to getting the most out of assessment in Arbor!



The next step is to take your results and use them to identify areas of improvement or success in your school, and then taking follow-up actions to keep everyone in the loop.

Reporting and analysis of assessments

Arbor Assessments for Primary Schools helps you learn from your data straight away with visual analysis pages.

There are a number of areas you can use to generate reports and statistics depending on your needs. These are just some of the examples of what our pages can do! 

To see more information about our assessment types and the names for different areas, please see: Glossary of key terminology for Assessments

See figures for RWM combined on your Homepage

Percentages above, at or below their targets in Reading, Writing and Maths on My Homepage

You can see a snapshot of student attainment in key subjects right from your Homepage. These figures show the percentage of students (who were enrolled at any point during the current academic year) who are above, at or below their targets. 

  • If you don’t use Assessments in Arbor yet, these fields will be blank.
  • For the calculations to work, the students need to have a target set for the end of the year and a current mark added.
  • Blank marks and not required marks are not included in the calculations.



If you’re linked to a particular student group, for example, if you’re a teacher, you can drill down further to view just that group’s attainment for your English and Maths assessments. 



Any assessments with the subjects set as English > Reading, English > Writing, Mathematics or English will contribute to these figures. You can check the assessments from Students > Assessments > Assessment Framework > Assessment Catalogue.




Create a dashboard of your key measures

Seeing key measures of students working above, at or below targets

Our School Assessment Measures can be used to create bespoke rules for one or multiple assessments combined within an academic year. For example, students who are meeting their Age-Related Expectations grade across Reading, Writing and Maths combined - you can do this by and setting rules for all students taking the KS1 reading, writing and maths assessments.

You can see your key measures at a glance on your Overview Dashboard, and drill down to see statistics by year, demographic and ethnicity and take further action such as sending communications to guardians.

See this article for full details.




Utilise our built-in summative assessment analysis options

There's a whole host of analysis you can do using Arbor’s assessment analysis pages in Students > Assessment > Summative Tracking > AnalysisTake a look at this article for full details of how to use each page: Our built-in summative assessment analysis options for Primaries

Compare your student group's grade distributions over time

View a spread of your student's grades for each class for each assessment period, and compare this to their baselines using the Attainment over Time page.


See where students are working against their targets

The Attainment Expectation page allows you to see the percentage of children who are at different Attainment Expectations at one certain point in time, and across multiple assessment periods. You can see what percentage of students and how many students (in brackets next to the percentage) are working above, at and below their targets for the assessment period selected, and the gap between student group's attainment using the filters.



On the Expectation Over Time page you can see the overall trend line for different demographics over time for the number of students working at the selected attainment expectation, and take further action if you identify room for improvement. For example, here you can see all of the EAL students are consistently performing lower in relation to their targets.


Compare grade distributions for multiple assessments

The grade distribution tool lets you view the distribution of student grades for each assessment. First displaying a summary for each assessment period, you can then dig down into each strand of an assessment (for a summative assessment with strands). This is a really useful page for comparisons across classes and across assessments for the same assessment period.

The table view lets you display student names so you can see which students are in each group.

You can use this page to compare grade distributions across multiple assessments and identify room for improvement, such as in the Self-confidence and self-awareness assessment here.


Compare current and past grades of assessments

Our Transition Matrix page allows you to compare student grades for different assessments, or for different years across the columns and rows of a table - useful for seeing whether students have made the same amount of progress as their peers over time in the same assessment, or comparing two different assessments.


Creating a report of your Progress Statistics

The Statistics page shows a table of your students' average grades including average baseline, average working at grade and average target. It can also be used to find the progress made by certain groups from their baselines.




Create your own bespoke reports

As well as our in-built assessment analysis pages, you can create bespoke reports using the Custom Report Writer. You can find instructions on how to create these here: Assessment Reports

  • Some examples include Good Level of Development, Reception Baselines and target analysis.
  • You can use all the features included in custom reports for analysis, like colour-coding using conditional formatting, and custom calculated fields!

Top Tip: If you're new to using the Custom Report Writer, why not check out our Begin, Build, Boost journey for Reporting!

example summative report.png


Export marks for analysis outside of Arbor

You can download marks for assessments in Arbor using our export page. Just go to Students > Assessments > Summative Tracking > Export and select one of the menu options on the left-hand side.

  • We recommend using the All Student Marks page for small schools (most primaries).
  • Use the Bulk Export Student Marks page if you are a large school to avoid having to wait a long time for the data to load.

Top Tip: You can also Live Feed out your data.

Using the All Student Marks table

You can use this page to see student marks across multiple assessments and export them in other formats using the Download button.

In the filters, add the date range you'd like to export data for, select the students to include and choose your assessments.

You can then see the marks recorded for each student, and download your table.




Customise your marksheets

You can replace our default marksheets with fully customised ones! Based on Custom Report Writer reports, you can add any data you can report on, or set different access for your teachers, middle leadership (Heads of Year or House) or SLT!

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Bring assessment data into other areas of Arbor


When creating emails, SMS, in-app messages or letters, you can use merge fields to pull in limited data about students. But you can take this one step further by adding assessment data available in the Custom Report Writer as a merge field to pull into your communications!

Take a look at the video below on how to use merge fields, and this article on how to create them from your Custom Report Writer reports: Creating a Mail Merge using data from a Custom Report Writer report


Report Cards

You can use our built-in Arbor Report Cards, or create bespoke Custom Report Cards, then share them via email, through the Parent and Student Portals or the Arbor App!

See how to use this feature here: Create and send out Custom Report Cards



Use interventions alongside assessments to track and encourage improvement over time. You can define the outcomes based on a summative assessment (e.g. Students should be above X grade in English).

Enrol students into Interventions from the Custom Report Writer or our assessment analysis pages using the handy Bulk Actions.

Take a look here for how to get started: Introduction to Interventions in Arbor

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What's next?

You're at the finish line of your Begin, Build, Boost journey, but that doesn't mean things have to stop here! This is just the start of using Assessment at your school!

Want more?

Our Customer Education specialists can offer in-depth support on how to use the areas covered in Begin Build Boost, and beyond for other areas of Arbor. Depending on the area, there are Foundation sessions, more in-depth consultations or a bespoke session.

To discuss what would best suit your school's needs, please contact 

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