Editing attendance marks migrated from your old MIS and adding missing marks

This article explains how to edit attendance marks that were migrated from an old MIS to Arbor, including fixing incomplete registers, adding missing marks, and the necessary permissions. It details the steps for editing marks for individual and multiple students, as well as how to create lessons for missing marks. It also clarifies that imported marks cannot be deleted, only changed.

As these attendance marks were not taken in Arbor, you cannot amend them using Arbor's standard attendance pages. In Arbor, we have a feature that allows you to edit attendance marks that were taken in your previous system and then migrated over to Arbor.

Please note that:

  • Should you need to fix any incomplete registers, you can see how to do this here: Migrated registers showing in Incomplete Registers
  • Using this method, it is not possible to add attendance notes. You can do this using Planned Absences instead, even for past absences!
  • This process will not change the attendance mark in your previous system, it will only update the marks in Arbor.


You will need the Student Profile: Attendance: Administer All Students permission. If you don't have permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


Editing marks

Go to Students > Attendance > Admin > Edit Imported Marks.

  • If there was a mark in your previous MIS, it will have migrated over as a mark or a dash (-) and you will be able to change it to a different one if needed.
  • If no mark was recorded in your previous MIS, you will not be able to edit it, and you should follow the instructions in the Adding missing marks section below.

For a single student

Click on the filters at the top of the page to select the date you require and a group of students that contains the student you want to change marks for.



Find the student in the list, and locate the mark you want to change. Click this mark.



Select the mark you would like to change it to from the drop-down list.



For multiple students

Click on the filters at the top of the page to select the date you require and the group of students.



To bulk edit, you can either:

  • use the shift key to select fields in a rectangle
  • click on a field and drag until they are all selected
  • hold down your control key and select the values you want to change

Once you have selected the (editable) cells to update, click the Bulk action button to change the cell values in bulk.




Adding missing marks

If the imported mark field is blank, it's likely you didn’t enter a mark at all in your old MIS. You will need to create a lesson for that day and time you need to fill in the mark.

Go to School > Programmes > Courses and click the green +Add button. Name the course Missing Marks and leave the rest of the options blank, then click the Add Course button.



You'll then be taken to the class overview. Scroll down to the Classes & Lessons section and click +AddSelect to schedule a single lesson to fill in one specific lesson's mark, or select multiple lessons to add multiple missing marks. Choose the day and time of the missing marks, then click Save Changes.



Next, scroll down to the Enrolled Students section and click +Add. Select Enrol students and add in all the students with missing marks. 

Enter the dates that you need attendance for. For example, if they are missing attendance for 28th May, enter the start and end dates as 28th May.



To enter the marks, first open the register by going to Students > Attendance. Change the filters to the time period of the lesson, then apply them.



Find your Missing Marks and click it to open the slide over. In the slide over, click Open register.

You can then add in marks or use the Bulk Edit Marks pages, selecting the Missing Marks course in the filters.



Deleting marks

It is not possible to delete imported marks.

You will need to change the mark to a suitable mark - you can see a list of these here: Attendance codes and how they count towards statutory attendance

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