Do we have to open every register for marks to appear?

In Arbor, attendance marks added in advance do not appear in statutory records until the register is opened. Registers can be opened an hour before lessons, either by the teacher or manually by navigating to the attendance section. Pre-fill marks will automatically populate the register, allowing for easy management of attendance records.

In Arbor, you might add an attendance mark in advance of a lesson using Planned Absences.

When you do this, the attendance mark doesn't appear in the student's statutory attendance (such as in attendance certificates), until the register takes place.

Lesson registers can be opened 1 hour before the lesson is due to take place. You can either: 

  • Wait until the register is opened, for example, by the teacher a few minutes before the lesson begins. The pre-fill marks will be automatically filled in on the register for the teacher to see, but they'll be able to amend the mark to N, present or late if your school restricts attendance marks, or any code if your school does not restrict marks. 
  • Open the register yourself by heading to Students > Attendance then click into the register you want to open. Choose Open Register on the bottom right of the slide over.
  • Suspend the registers to automatically open them.

Any pre-fill attendance marks will then automatically pull through, without you needing to input them. This means if you've added a planned absence for the whole class, no further editing is needed.


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