Add a Responsible Authority for a Looked After (In Care) student

Students with certain Looked After (In Care) statuses must be assigned a Responsible Authority, to prevent errors when generating CTFs. You can add details of the authority from the Student Profile

You must also specify a Responsible Authority for these statuses:

  • Children’s Home
  • Fostered
  • Other/In Care
  • With Parents (under the supervision of social services)


  • In Care: Administer All Students - View/add/modify/delete In Care details for all students.
  • In Care: Administer My Students - View/add/modify/delete In Care details for students assigned to the user.

If you don't have the permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions


Go to the Looked After (In Care) section on the student profile and click on the Looked After (In Care) status.



Click on Edit.



Select the Responsible Authority and click on Save Changes.


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