Reporting on Covid-19 attendance

Schools are no longer required to submit weekly figures to the DfE. Because of this, schools do not need to use the Covid-19 Dashboard.

When you stop using the X01-X09 attendance codes, the Covid-19 Dashboard will no longer output numbers for Covid-related absence in rows 9, 11, 12 and 13.

We have not removed the Covid-19 Dashboard yet, as you may wish to use the date selector at the top to view numbers for past days.


  • School: General Admin: Administer - access and use the Covid-19 Dashboard.
  • School: Action: Custom Group: View/Administer - set up custom groups

If you don't have the permission to complete an action, you can ask one of your school staff to give you the permission using these instructions


Using your Covid-19 Dashboard

You can see totals for each group of students specified by the DfE on your Covid-19 Dashboard in Students > Attendance > Covid-19 Dashboard.



Lesson or statutory attendance?

Choose which attendance marks to report on

Your covid-19 dashboard will display lesson attendance for each student by default. This means that if a student misses registration but is present in school, you'll be able to report them as present.

If you would like to change this to report on statutory roll call attendance instead, go to the Settings tab and click the Calculation basis field.



Change the setting In the slide over then click Save Changes.   




Reporting on students with a social worker

You can use a custom group for students who have Social Worker to enable us to pull through the right numbers to your Covid-19 Dashboard. You can use custom groups for Students who have requested on-site education that have a key worker guardian, and Vulnerable students, but they are not reported on your Covid-19 Dashboard.

Step 1 - Set up a custom group

To create them from scratch, go to School > School Structure > Custom Groups and click to add a new custom group.



From the Members tab, click +Add in the Current and Future Members section.

Choose the students to enrol in this group, and the date range they will be enrolled in this group for, then click Add Members.


Step 2 - Select the custom groups to use on your Covid-19 Dashboard

To set which custom groups to use in your reporting, go to Students > Attendance > Covid-19 Dashboard and click into the Settings tab.

This will allow you to report on the number of students with a social worker in your Covid-19 DashboardPlease note: you'll need to have the School: General Admin: Administer permission to access this page.

In the slide over, select your custom groups, then click Save Changes. You can select multiple custom groups if needed.




How to use the Covid-19 Dashboard


Using the Covid-19 dashboard

You'll see rows on your Covid-19 Dashboard for each category of covid-19 related absences that were collected by the DfE. Please note that nursery students are not included in the overview totals for each field on the Dashboard.



When you click on a field you can also view a breakdown for each year group and a full list of students that contribute to the numbers. In line with the DfE’s guidance, students may appear in more than one group so may be counted twice.

  • You can still see the number of nursery students, but note these do not contribute to your overall figure. Nursery students are excluded from the list of students contributing to the measure. To identify nursery students who were absent, you can use the Raw Attendance Marks page.
  • To help report on reasons for absence, you can see the notes recorded against the student's attendance mark. When you click into the slide over, you can order your columns to group students based the reason -  just click the column header to sort the notes.




Communicating with students and guardians

Academic leads can send emails or SMS directly from the lesson dashboard of a class to notify them of any changes. You can see how to communicate with students and guardians here

You can also continue to use the Covid-19 Dashboard to follow up with students who do not come in if you have the School: General Admin: Administer permission.

Sending an email, SMS or letter to Primary Guardians from the Covid-19 Dashboard

The filters on the Students tab will be set to display all your year groups plus identified vulnerable groups from your Settings tab. 

  1. Click the arrows in the Mark column to group certain marks together
  2. Tick the boxes next to the students to follow up with
  3. Click the Bulk action button and select the method you’ll use to message primary guardians.

You’ll then be taken to the New Mail Merge creator, where you can draft and send your message from, with these student’s primary guardians selected as the recipients. You can also use communication templates from this page, click here for more information.




Reporting on EHCP and social worker

Reporting on EHCP and social worker

Use our report to see a list of all students, their SEN status and whether they have been added to the Social Worker custom group (see the section above for how to set this up): EHCP and social worker report for the DfE Form

To filter your report to show only students who you have been unable to provide a place for wraparound care, you will need to Edit the report.

Add a filter for Custom Groups and select your 'unable to provide wraparound care' custom group - please note you will have needed to create the custom group



When you save and view your report, it will only show students for who you are unable to provide wraparound care. You can then count up which students have an Education, Health and Care Plan or who have a social worker. 





Reporting on attendance over time

You can report on the covid-related attendance codes from the Raw Attendance Marks page and within the Custom Report Writer.

You can see full guidance on how the codes impact your attendance figures here: Do covid-related attendance codes impact attendance statistics?

Where you can report on the codes?

To see attendance figures, use the Covid-19 Dashboard or for analysis over a longer period you can use the Attendance > Admin > Raw Attendance Marks page. Use the filters to change your reporting dates and look at the specific Covid-related absences, and select Lesson attendance to view any notes attached.

To look at total figures for each attendance mark, and to report on attendance as if the covid-related X codes were statistically significant, you can use our out-of-the-box Custom Report Writer template.

Go to School > Custom Report Writer and click to create a new report, selecting our template to use.



You'll then be able to save and view the report, which will show you student's UPNs, reg forms, tutors, present and absent marks and percentages, and a total for how many lessons they have had marked with one of our Covid-related attendance codes so far this academic year.

Click Edit to take further actions such as sending communications or adding any of the fields in your Covid-19 Dashboard.

To report on certain codes, we’ve introduced the new Statutory/Roll Call Attendance (Custom) column. Add the column and select which marks should make up your numerator and denominator for a bespoke % figure to help you report on Covid-19 attendance.


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