Why can't the teacher mark the assessment?

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Struggling to access your assessments, or certain students are greyed out on marksheets? Try the troubleshooting tips below.

The teacher can't find or mark their whole class

Step 1 - Check the assessment has been added to this year's Annual Policy

Check you have all the assessments you need from Assessment Framework > Assessment Catalogue, then check you’ve marked all the right courses as assessable from Annual Policy > Assessable Courses (this means the teachers can access the marksheet by selecting the class in their calendar).

Make sure you have copied over the assessment to this year - go to Annual Policy > Manage Assessments and change the drop-down to the next year then click the green button to add your assessments to next year. Work through the steps, linking them to the right student groups.

You can see full details of how to do this here: Copying Assessments to this year or past years

Step 2 - Check the teacher is linked to the class

Your teachers should be able to access their classes' marksheets by clicking into the class from their calendar following these instructions: Getting to the summative assessment marksheet and adding marks

If your teachers can’t see their registration forms or classes in their calendar, they may not have been set as the Academic Lead or Form Tutor. To add them, follow these instructions.

You'll also need to complete the above actions if the staff member does not have permission to edit marks in the marksheet.


Step 3 - Check the assessment is linked to the class

When selecting the class from the calendar, they should be able to select Assessments from the left hand menu, then click into the Full Marksheet from the Summative Tracking tab.

If your teachers can’t see any assessments, the assessment may not have been linked to the class or registration form. To link them, go to Students > Assessment > Annual Policy > Manage Assessments and click on the relevant assessment. 

In the Linked Courses section, you’ll need to link the assessment to the top-level course. For primaries, this will likely be the year group, and for secondaries, the subject. 


Step 4 - Check the marksheet is unlocked

If your teachers can’t input marks to the current assessment period, it may be because the marksheet has been ‘locked’. Follow these instructions to unlock them: Teachers can't edit marks - how can we undo the approval?

The teacher can't mark some students

Student is no longer on the marksheet

Please see these instructions: Why is a student who left not appearing on the marksheet?

Students are greyed out

Check when the student was added

You may find students are greyed out. You won't be able to add a mark for a student if they joined the assessment after the last assessment period ends. For example, if a student started in January the box will be greyed out for the Autumn term.

Try refreshing the assessment

If the student was added during the current assessment period, after the assessment was set up, they may not pull through. You will need to refresh the assessment.

Top Tip: A refresh won't remove any existing marks, it will just check to see if there are any students who are missing the assessment and add them.

For summative assessments:

  1. Go to Students > Assessments > Annual Policy > Manage Assessment
  2. Select the assessment
  3. Click Refresh

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 10.47.10.png


For ad hoc assessments:

  1. Go to Students > Assessments > Annual Policy > Manage Assessment
  2. Click on the plus next to an assessment then click the ad hoc
  3. In the Mark Entry section click the relevant period
  4. In slide over click Refresh

You can repeat this process for other assessment periods if needed.

Top Tip: If the ad hoc assessment has been set up on a per-course basis, you'll only need to refresh on one of the assessments - the refresh will be applied to all other versions too.

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 10.46.46.png


Can we add marks once the assessment period has passed?

Yes! Just change the date in the filters back to a date that lies within the assessment period you want to input marks for.

If this doesn't work for the teacher, this will be because they weren't assigned as the Academic Lead for the course on the date they've selected.

To give them access to edit the marks, you'll need to edit the start date that they are the academic lead for the course.

To do this, go to School > Programmes > Courses and select the course. Click on the Academic Lead, click Edit, and change the date.



Adding predicted marks

To edit the predicted marks, make sure the date range in the filters only covers one assessment period. If the date range overlaps with more than one assessment period, you won't be able to edit the predicted mark.


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  • With reference to the question above - Can we add marks once the assessment period has passed?

    Is there a way to ensure that marks cannot be changed or added after a certain date has passed?

    i.e. can we lock marksheets?

  • Hi Karen, yes you can see how to do this here.

  • That's helpful. Thanks Gwyn.


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