Class information for the Spring Census

On Spring Census day, you’ll need to report on the numbers of students and staff in each class at the time of the census - click here for further details from the DfE.

Go to the Classes section from the left-hand menu of your census. This is what the page will look like before census day.


On census day, you can use this section to amend the time of your census, reconcile teacher numbers and input pupil numbers.



Step 1 - Check the selected census time

The ‘selected time’ of the census is based on the last digit of a school’s departmental establishment number. You can see further guidance on this here: Can I change the time or date for our spring census?

Step 2 - Check your teacher and pupil numbers

On the classes page for your census, double-check the number of teachers and students in the class:

  • Home pupils - Number of pupils in the class (including any pupils temporarily absent). Part-time pupils not scheduled to be in the school at the selected time should be excluded from this number - add this number to the Pupil Reconciliation page instead. Top Tip: This will by default show all students independent of Enrolment Mode, so may need to be manually amended.
  • Guest pupils - Number of pupils from other schools in the class who normally attend this class at the time of the census. Top Tip: This will not be based on Enrolment Modes so the number will need to be added manually.
  • Teachers - Number of qualified or unqualified teachers in the class (excluding teachers wholly or mainly providing support to individual pupils).
  • Non-teachers - Number of adult non-teachers in the class (including teaching assistants, special needs support staff, minority ethnic pupils support staff, and other education support staff but excluding non-teaching staff wholly or mainly providing support to individual pupils).



Step 3 - Check your class activities

Schools need to include the activity of each class at the time of the spring census.

  • Secondaries - Only primaries are required to submit this information, so you won't see this field, and you won't need to select the activity.
  • Primaries - as you'll likely have registration form lessons spanning the whole morning and afternoon, please follow our guidance here: On-the-day Class Activities

Click into a class with an orange Activity: Not set flag to add it.

Select the class activity that best matches what this class is doing at the time of the census. For example, this group does Spelling at this time on a Thursday, so I should choose the activity of English Literacy or Reading.



Step 4 - Check if there are more than 30 pupils per teacher

If you have more than 30 pupils in a Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 class, you'll see an orange flag on your Classes page.

You'll need to resolve your numbers, or add some further information, depending on the scenario. You can see the different scenarios and solutions here: On-the-day Teacher Ratio


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