Report on Lates - Analysing latecomers

You can see which of your students are arriving late, and take further action with them. You can also view late statistics for groups of students.

  • This area is specifically looking at Late codes, so it's calculating using only L and/or U marks.
  • The table defaults to show each L or U instance separately, so a student will have multiple entries in the table for each late instance. To see totals for each student over the date range, select Student in the Group By field.
  • If you're grouping by student, you can then set a minimum number of lates to include in the report, and see additional columns for percentage lates, number of lates, average minutes late for each late instance and total minutes late.

Today's late students

To see students and how late they were, go to Students > Attendance. From the left-hand menu select Latecomers. On this page, you can see all of the students who were late today, including the number of minutes they were late by.

You can log a behaviour incident right from this page using the bulk actions. Top Tip: If you have automatic workflows set up, you can use these to automatically assign detentions or notify staff or guardians.

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You can filter the table by clicking the filter bar at the top of the page. You can change the date range, group by registration forms or specific classes and also filter by minutes late.



You can get more information, or update a late mark, by clicking a student's name, then clicking Edit in the slide over.




Students who are persistently late - number of lates and number of minutes late report

On the same Latecomers page, you can group late marks by student, to see how many lates each student has within the date range, an average of how late they were, and a total for the number of minutes they were late.

Click into the filters, and in the Group By dropdown select Student.



Click the percentage % Late column header to bring your students with the most lates to the top. You can then take further actions with them, such as adding them to an intervention or logging a behaviour incident.



Late statistics for student groups  

You'll see your whole-school statistics for late on your Arbor Dashboard.



You can click this to see further statistics, split into student groups, as well as the option to view by individual students. 


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