Common attendance reports

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This article provides an overview of various attendance reports available in Arbor for attendance officers, including reports on attendance codes, percentage attendance, specific attendance marks, individual session summaries, and demographic analyses.

Arbor has pages specifically designed for the daily data checking you need to do as an attendance officer. Here’s a directory of where to go to run the attendance reports you need.

Analysis by Code Reports

This is a report that will break down the number or percentage of each attendance code a student has had, or see this for your whole school. You can see how to create these here: Whole school and student attendance analysis by code

Percentage Attendance Report

This report will give a basic overview of percentage present and absent. You can break it down into year groups, registration forms, classes and individual students. You can see how to create this here: Percentage attendance report by student group

Pupils with Chosen Code Report or Session Absences Report

You can report on students that have a specific attendance mark in a couple of places in Arbor. You can see how to do this here: Report to find specific attendance marks

Individual Session Summary Report

You can generate a breakdown of an individual's percentage and number of attendance marks, including the number of sessions a student were present and absent, from the Attendance > Statistics on their student profile. You can see full details here: Attendance on the Student Profile

Group Analysis by Vulnerability or Demographic Report

You can report on student attendance by demographics (such as FSM, PP, EAL, CLA) as Whole School Data or you can break it down into year groups, registration groups etc. You can see how to do this here: Percentage attendance report by demographics

Group Analysis by Category Report

You can view compare the number of present and absent marks a certain category (for example by Year Group or Registration Form) has. You can see how to do this here: Percentage attendance report by student group

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