Report on attendance statistics for Child Protection students

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This article explains how to report attendance statistics specifically for Child Protection students using the Custom Report Writer. It details the necessary permissions, steps to create a custom report, add relevant columns, set filters for Child Protection Status, and group data for better analysis.

While the Statistics page (Viewing statistics for attendance) allows you to report on student attendance by demographics, this doesn't include a filter to only report on students with a Child Protection status. You can report on these figures using the Custom Report Writer.


You'll need the General Admin: Export Data permission to create and manage custom reports in Custom Report Writer. If you don't have permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


You'll add a new report column in Step 3 of creating your custom report, so you'll need to complete Steps 1 and 2 first.

In Step 3 of creating your custom report, you'll need to add the report column Child Protection Status and Statutory/Roll Call Attendance (Present) to your report by clicking and dragging to the Added Column section on the right.



On the slide-over, you can click Save and then add any additional columns you want in your report. You'll continue through the steps til you reach Step 6 where you'll add a filter. 

Use the Select Filter box to search for Child Protection Status and then click Set Parameters.



On the slide-over, you can set your filter condition to include all four of the Child Protection Statuses or only select specific statuses (such as Child in need, Child protection plan, Historical or Monitoring) and click Save.



  • If you would like to group the students so that you can see the overall attendance figures you'll need to add a Grouping in Step 7.
  • If you want to see individual student percentages then you can skip through the remaining steps and click View Report.

To add the grouping, you'll use the Group By box to select Child Protection Status and click Add Grouping and on the slide-over, you'll click Save.


If you have added a grouping you'll report show each of the statuses of Child Protection.



If you're not using a grouping then your report will give you a breakdown of each student's attendance percentage.


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