Pupil Premium Attendance Report and other Demographics (EAL, SEN etc)

This article explains how to generate attendance reports for specific student groups, particularly focusing on Pupil Premium students. It details the process of using the Statistics page and Custom Report Writer to filter and display attendance data by various demographics such as EAL, SEN, and FSM.

The Statistics page is an extremely useful page for creating attendance reports for specific groups of students. You can see more about this page and the reports you can make with it here: Viewing statistics for attendance

Alternatively if you need to add more data into your report, you can create a report in the Custom Report Writer - just use the Statutory/Roll Call Attendance (Present) column, and add a filter for Pupil Premium.


View Attendance by Pupil Premium only

1. Go to Students > Attendance > Statistics (in the left-hand menu)

By default, a table provides an Analysis for All Students with an overview of Present, Absent and Late percentage totals from the start of the current academic year. 

Screenshot 2022-08-16 at 15.41.23.png


2. Using the filters choose Students who are... Pupil Premium Eligible

3. Then click Apply.

Screenshot 2022-08-16 at 15.41.49.png


This will display All Students in the whole school who are Pupil Premium.

Screenshot 2022-08-16 at 15.42.23.png


To get attendance for each Pupil Premium student -

1. In the Display Settings select Show data by... Students

2. Click Apply.

Screenshot 2022-08-16 at 15.42.46.png

Screenshot 2022-08-16 at 15.43.03.png


View Attendance by all Demographics e.g. Pupil Premium, EAL, Sex, FSM, SEN, etc.

Using the filters at the top of the page

1. Leave the Students who are... field blank so it populates to All Students

2. In the Display Settings select Show data by... Demographics

3. Click Apply.

Screenshot 2022-08-16 at 15.43.54.png


You may also like to report on the opposite of the demographics, such as Pupil Premium versus Non-Pupil Premium students.

1. Just select Show data by… Demographics and Inverse Demographics instead.

Screenshot 2022-08-16 at 15.44.28.png

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