Report to find specific attendance marks

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This article explains how to generate reports to find specific attendance marks for students, particularly useful for School Census checks. It details how to access session absences reports and raw attendance marks for various attendance codes.

There are a few different reports you can run to find when a chosen attendance code was used. These pages are particularly useful when checking the attendance for your School Census.

For full details of the available attendance codes and which count as absences codes, please see this guidance: Attendance codes and how they count towards statutory attendance

  • You can generate a session absences report on all absence attendance codes and the dates in which the student had these marks from your Absentees by Date page. You can see how to do this here: Finding the N codes or other absence codes
  • You can report on students that have a specific attendance mark (for example Illness, or children who have taken a holiday with G codes) from your Raw Attendance Marks page. You can see how to do this here: Reporting on Raw Attendance Marks


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