Customise your Behaviour Incident Workflows

This article guides schools on customizing behavior incident workflows in Arbor, detailing how to set up automated follow-up processes for logged incidents. It covers built-in workflows, custom workflows, and the steps to create, edit, and manage these workflows effectively. The article emphasizes the importance of permissions, notifications, and the ability to assign staff and detentions automatically, enhancing the incident management process.


You can automate several follow-up processes to be actioned as soon as an incident is logged. 

  • You can use our built-in workflows based on levels.
  • Or set up your custom workflows for certain behaviour types.
  • Or use a combination of the two!

You can also see an overview of how this can support your school here: Introduction to Behaviour in Arbor

Please note that Custom Behaviour Workflows are included in all Arbor Perform packages and our newest Comms package.

Want to upgrade or find out what package you’re on? Just contact 

How long will it take to set up?

To set up one workflow, it can take up to around 20 minutes to set up and check your settings. Multiply this estimate by however many workflows you want to set up.


Permission Coverage
Behaviour: Behaviour Policy or School: Action: Behaviour: Administer Set up and edit your behaviour setup.


You'll need to ask your school admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


Built-in Behaviour Incident Workflows


1. Go to Students > Behaviour > Setup

2. Select the Incidents tab

3. Select the Automatic Incident Workflows section.

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4. Select the severity you would like to set up the workflow for from the Incident Levels tab

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You will be presented with the following workflow options.

You can set up workflows for all the severity levels, all with different workflows.

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Notify primary guardians of incidents or detentions

You can choose to notify primary/guardians if an incident is logged, or if their child is added to a detention session, or through an automatic workflow - see the section on Assign Automatic Detention below for how to turn this on.

You can choose to use different SMS or email templates you've set up, if you want a different message to show depending on the severity: Set up different email or SMS messages for incidents and detention severities

Notify a member of staff

You can set up incidents to automatically notify as many key members of staff as you like when an incident is created. The incident will appear in their 'Watched by me' section on the incident dashboard, and they will receive a notification in the top right corner.



1. To set up notifications choose a level of incident and click 'Notify member of staff' on the incident workflows page.

2. Select who to notify about this level of incident. You can select as many as you need.

Please note: in order to notify users with a role in relation to the student, the following needs to be set up:

  • Form Tutor - Each form needs at least one form tutor and the student needs a registration form.
  • Head of Year - Each year group needs to have a head of year and the student needs to have a year group.
  • Head of House - Each house group needs to have a head of house and the student needs to have a house assigned.
  • Head/Second of Department/Faculty - The lesson must be linked to a course. The course must be linked to a Department, the Department/Faculty must have a head/second.

'Specific member of staff' will notify one user for all incidents created of this level regardless of the students involved.

'Allow staff to add notifications...' allows staff to choose who to notify when they create an incident.

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Assign to a member of staff (Automatic assignee) 

You can set up incidents to automatically be assigned to the member of staff you would like to deal with the issue when an incident is created. The incident will appear in their 'Assigned to me' section on the incident dashboard, and they will receive a notification in the top right corner.



1. Select 'Assign to member of staff' on the incident workflows page.

You can select who to assign this level of incident to. Please note you can only assign to one person for each student.

 In order to notify users with a role in relation to the student, the following needs to be set up:

  • Form Tutor - Each form needs at least one form tutor and the student needs a registration form.
  • Head of Year - Each year group needs to have a head of year and the student needs to have a year group.
  • Head of House - Each house group needs to have a head of house and the student needs to have a house assigned.
  • Head/Second of Department/Faculty - The lesson must be linked to a course. The course must be linked to a Department, the Department/Faculty must have a head/second.

'Specific member of staff' will notify one user for all incidents created of this level regardless of the students involved.

If a member of staff doesn't have the right role for an incident to be automatically assigned (for example, if there is no one listed as head of department) then the member of staff that logs the incident will be asked to select one person to assign the incident to.

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Assign automatic detentions or allow staff to give detentions

To automatically assign students to a detention if they are involved in a certain level of incident. 1. Choose Auto-assign detention and then select the detention type you would like to assign.

2. Select Next available session to automatically enrol the student in the next available detention session or select do not assign a detention session to leave the student without a specific detention session (this will require someone to go in and assign the student a session).

You can also allocate automatic detentions with a 24h delay

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3. Select 'Allow staff to assign detentions' to allow staff to assign students to detentions manually when they log incidents.

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Auto close

The auto close workflow closes an incident automatically after the workflow has been run.

To enable auto-closing, select Auto close.

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Select this option to automatically escalate an incident after repetition. You can read more about escalations here: Taking a look at an example escalation workflow

1. Enter the number of incidents required to escalate to the next level.

2. Select the time period these incidents must occur in.

You can select from:

  • 1 day
  • 1 school week (5 days)
  • 1 calendar week (7 days)
  • 2 school weeks (10 days)
  • 1 calendar weeks (14 days)
  • 1 month
  • Half term
  • Term
  • Year

3. Select the level you would like to escalate to. Then click Save.

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Add/deduct points 

Select this option to automatically add or deduct behaviour points when this level of an incident is recorded.

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Email staff when incidents are assigned to them

Select this option to email the assigned staff member with a link to the incident overview.

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The staff member will receive an email when an incident is assigned to them. It will say 'New behaviour assignment' in the subject line.

example incident email.png

Assign students to internal exclusions

It is possible to ‘Allow students to be assigned an internal exclusion’ as part of your school’s behaviour workflows.

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When this is switched on:

  • You will be able to record internal exclusions in the Take Action tab within the incident log.
  • Students will show in the Internal Exclusions tab if you do select an internal exclusion as part of logging an incident, or if you add an internal exclusion manually without logging a behaviour incident.

Due to the serious nature of internal exclusions and factors such as internal exclusions room size and student behaviour clashes, we have set the system up so that it is not possible to automatically enrol students in an internal exclusion just from logging a behaviour incident.

pending exclusions page.png



Custom Behaviour Incident Workflows

You can create custom workflows for certain behaviour types, in addition to the default workflows based on severity levels. When a behavioural incident is logged, Arbor will check if the behaviour has a custom workflow assigned to it, and if so, trigger that workflow instead.


Custom Behaviour Workflows give you these abilities:

  • Customisation - set up your escalations to better align with your unique policies and procedures
  • Flexibility - more granular control over how incidents are managed
  • Efficiency - reduce manual effort, streamlining the incident management process
Set up a custom workflow

1. Go to Students > Behaviour > Setup

2. Go to the Incidents tab

3. Select Automatic Incident Workflows


4. Click on the Behaviour Types tab

5.Click +Add.

Please note that this tab will display if your school has purchased the Perform packages or the Comms package. Want to upgrade? Just get in contact with your Account Manager.


6. In the slide over, give the custom workflow a name and link it to one or more behaviour types.



Please note that you cannot link two workflows to one behaviour type. Selecting a behaviour type that already has a linked workflow will overwrite the linked workflow with this one.

In this example, adding a new workflow has removed the behaviour type from the old workflow.





Once you set up a new workflow, you'll then be taken to the overview for the workflow.


Step 2 - Define what actions and escalations happen in your workflow

You can read more about escalations here: Taking a look at an example escalation workflow

However unlike standard incident workflows (where you select the level to escalate to), custom behaviour workflows will escalate a certain number of levels.

So in the example below, -1 behaviour types will escalate to -2. This means that if you want a -1 behaviour type and -2 behaviour type to both escalate to -3, you would need to set up two custom workflows.

Top Tips:

  • You can only escalate the severity level of the behaviour, not from one behaviour type to another.
  • Escalations cannot go beyond level 5. So for example level -4 incidents set to escalate 2 levels will only escalate to -5.



You can choose to notify primary guardians or staff of incidents or detentions. Top Tip: You can set up custom email or SMS templates to use with each workflow: Set up different email or SMS messages for incidents and detention severities

You can also choose to:

  • Assign to a member of staff (Automatic assignee)
  • Assign automatic detentions or allow staff to give detentions
  • Auto close
  • Add/deduct points
  • Email staff when incidents are assigned to them
  • Assign students to internal exclusions


Removing behaviour types from a workflow

To remove behaviour types from a workflow:

  1. Go to Students > Behaviour > Setup
  2. Go to the Incidents tab and select Automatic Incident Workflows
  3. Click on the Behaviour Types tab
  4. Select the custom workflow
  5. Click on the Linked behaviour types field
  6. Edit the types
  7. Click Save.

Please note that this will not re-run any workflows for incidents already logged.


Deleting a workflow

To delete the workflow, click the Delete Workflow button.

Please note that this will not cancel any workflows for incidents already logged.




Recording behaviour

Your staff will then be able to log behaviour incidents in the same way as usual. When they select a behaviour type that has a custom workflow, the custom workflow will be used rather than the default workflow for the severity level: Logging, editing and resolving Behaviour Incidents

Top Tip: Check what actions and communications have already been done for an incident from the Actions Taken section in the incident overview.

actions taken.png


What's next?

So you've got to grips with logging behaviour and you're wondering what else you can do? Jump to the next part of your journey to Boost your school to the next level where you'll see how to: 

  • Monitor lesson engagement using behaviour points
  • Report on behaviour trends across your school to enable you to take action with your data
  • Integrate behaviour into other key areas to pull in data, such as Communications, Report Cards and Interventions.

Boost - Make the most out of Behaviour

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