Update information for students in bulk - UCIs, funded hours, YSSA

This article provides guidance on how to update student information in bulk within the Arbor system, including contact details, UPNs, ULNs, UCIs, demographics, funding records, and YSSA updates. It outlines the necessary permissions, steps to resolve errors, and specific actions for managing student data efficiently.

There are a few fields in Arbor you can fill in in bulk for students.

You can find them by going to:

1. Students > All Students > Bulk Update or in School > Data > Data Quality Dashboard > Students.


  • School: General Admin: Administer - Access and edit the data in the Data Quality Dashboard for students
  • Student: Consents: Administer - Update YSSA for students

If you don't have the permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


Contact Details

This section includes three pages for updating and resolving errors in student email addresses, telephone numbers and postal addresses.

Need to ignore a few errors in bulk? Just select the boxes next to the rows, then click the Bulk action button to select Bulk Ignore.



You can also click on the error to resolve it by updating the information or choosing to ignore the error.


Bulk Update Student Contact Details

There is another page where you can update student phone numbers, emails and addresses for all students this academic year. Go to Students > All Students > Bulk Update > Student Contact Details.

You can change the date range using the filters at the top of the page, and sort the columns to find missing details. To update the phone number or email address, click the field to type into it.




Assign UPNs

This page shows all students that don't have a UPN assigned. Use the bulk actions, or click into a blank UCI field to update it. You can see more details here: Assigning UPNs in bulk

Assign ULNs

You can see more details in the How do I add ULNs in bulk section of this article.

Bulk assign UCIs

This page shows all students whether or not they need a UCI. Use the bulk actions, or click into a blank UCI field to update it. You can see more details here: Adding and editing exam candidate Unique Candidate Identifiers (UCIs)


Basic Student Details

This section allows you to quickly check that you have filled in some key information regarding students. To add or change any of the information, just click on the cell you wish to edit and a slide over will appear where you can add or update the correct information. 

For example, to add an Ethnicity source, select the students then click the Bulk action button to select Bulk Edit Ethnicity source to choose the source. You can see more information about the available options here.



Student Funding Records and School Led Tutoring Hours (English schools only)

These pages are for school to update which students are eligible for funding, and the hours taken of School Led Funding:

  • You need to record which funding students are eligible for, if any. For example, you may need to report on some student's top-up funding indicator for the census. You can see more details here: Adding top up funding to a student
  • If you have recorded a student as being in receipt of School led tutoring funding, you must add their number of tuition hours: Record the number of tuition hours

Core Learning Aims, Learning and EEP Hours and GCSE Attainment for Funding (English schools only)

These pages are for schools with Post-16 students to:

Funded Hours (English schools only)

Clicking on this will take you to a table that contains hours and funding information required in the School Census for Early Years and Nursery students.

Take a look here for full instructions on this area: Hours at setting, funded hours, extended hours and 30 hour codes

Update YSSA (English schools only)

For students who are 11+ you'll need to record who's information you are sharing with Connexions. You can see more information on this on the DfE's website here. Top Tip: This information is not required in the Census for Primary Schools.

Tick the students then click the Bulk action button to update the value. If you’re not requesting this information, you can mark your students as Unsought.


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