Attendance on the Parent Portal and Parent App

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Access information about your child's attendance, including an attendance certificate.

On the Parent Portal On the Parent App

On your Homepage, you can view your child's statutory AM and PM attendance this year so far and for the last 4 weeks.

To view more information, click on the Attendance tile, or click the View Student Profile button and go to Attendance from the left-hand menu.



The Attendance Summary page will load a breakdown of the student's attendance for the current academic year.

The Statistics Section will show both the number of sessions and the percentage the student has for each mark.

  • The Recent Attendance section will show both the number of sessions and the percentage of 'present marks' for the current week.
  • Possible Attendance: This number shows the total amount of sessions (registers) the student should attend for the current academic year.
  • Present: This section shows the total amount of registers the student attended and the percentage of 'present marks' for the current academic year.
  • Late: This section shows the total amount of times the student was late for a register. 
  • Authorised Absent: This section shows the number of times the student has marked as absent.
  • Unauthorised Absent: This section shows the number of times the student has marked as absent, however, these absences were not approved by the school.



In Attendance By Date, the student's daily attendance for AM and PM is listed in the grid.

By default, the most recent week and year are shown but you can change this using the drop-down menus.



Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Attendance Certificate button to download the certificate as a PDF.


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