How and what can I update using bulk actions?

This article explains how to use bulk actions to update information for large groups of people, including assigning interventions, adding students to groups, and sending communications. It details methods for selecting values, filling in blanks, and performing various bulk actions through the Bulk action button.

Bulk updating allows you to add information and perform actions for large groups of people. Some possible things you can do using bulk actions are:

  • Assigning to existing interventions
  • Creating Ad Hoc interventions
  • Adding students to Custom Groups
  • Sending Communications
  • Top up accounts
  • Allocate candidates to exam seats
  • Resolve behaviour incidents
  • Replace academic leads

You can bulk update things anywhere you see the Bulk action button. 



Bulk change cell values

Select values

There are three ways to select values to update.

Option 1 -  Hold down your control key and select the values you want to change.



Option 2 - Use the shift key to select fields in a rectangle.

Option 3 -  Click on a field and drag until they are all selected.



Once you have selected the (editable) cells to update, click the Bulk action button to change the cell values in bulk.



The example below shows the Bulk Edit Marks Advanced page pop up. Use the drop-down menu to bulk fill the attendance marks, then click Submit.



The example below shows the Summative Assessment Marksheets, where you can edit marks or add comments depending on the field you select.



Fill in blank values

You can fill in all blanks by selecting the arrow, and clicking Bulk Fill > Blank Values.



Additional actions and sending communications

Hover over a box and click to tick it - the button will turn green. Untick the box by clicking again.



Alternatively, hover over a box, click and hold down your mouse button. Still holding the button, move the mouse downwards to select multiple boxes at once, or upwards to unselect them.



The footer will tell you how many rows you have selected.



Then you can perform bulk actions by clicking the Bulk action button, which will now be green. The options available depend on your permissions and on what page you are currently on, but often include adding student to interventions or sending communications.

Screenshot 2023-11-03 at 16.11.07.png


Top Tip: If you tick rows to use a Bulk action, then apply a filter, we'll exclude the rows you've filtered out and let you know.


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  • hi Gwyn, how do you bulk delete/ bulk change Academic leads?

  • Hi Jamie, there isn't a way to bulk change Academic leads. However, you can change the staff assigned to particular timetable slots in bulk, or change academic leads one at a time. You can see how to do both options here.


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