See and edit Roll Call statutory attendance marks

Use our Roll Call Marks page to view the recorded statutory attendance marks for all students in your school. Just go to Students > Attendance > Registers > Roll Call Marks. The Roll Call Marks page will by default show you today's roll call marks for the youngest year group in your school.


To access and edit marks from the Roll Call Marks page, you'll need the Attendance: Administer permission. If you don't have this permission, ask your admin team to assign it to you.


You can change the student group shown or the date range using the filters at the top of the page, allowing you to view up to 10 days of attendance.



You can share the table or perform further analysis on attendance by downloading the table to Excel, PDF or Live Feed by clicking the Download button.

You can also take further action on any trends you've noticed by ticking the boxes next to the student names and using the Bulk action button. For example, this student has been late most days this week, so I'm going to monitor his attendance.

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Changing Roll Call marks

In Arbor, any attendance marks given in lessons, interventions and internal exclusions that overlap with your roll call times contribute towards the roll call mark. Roll call marks are derived from the 'bestattendance marks' during the roll call period - you can see the hierarchy of marks here.

For example, if a student is attending an intervention during roll call time and is marked absent in their class register, their roll call mark will be present if they are marked present in the intervention.

Things to check before making changes

1. Check your roll call times

Go to Students > Attendance > Admin > Roll Call Setup. Here you can see when your roll call times are scheduled to be.


2. Check your lesson times

Attendance marks in any events that overlap your roll call times could be used as the roll call mark. Duplicate your tabs, and go to School > Timetable > Timetable Administration > Timetable slots to compare your lesson times with your roll call times.



3. Check the lesson attendance recorded

Go to your Attendance > Registers > Bulk Edit Marks Standard page and see which classes feed into your roll call mark. In this example, you can see there are two classes that would feed into the roll call time. This means that editing the roll call mark would edit one of these lesson marks. As the present mark is the best mark here, in this example the bubble class mark would also be edited.




Changing a student's Roll Call mark

Editing marks on this page works in a similar way to the Attendance > Marks (By Date) > Statutory/Roll Call tab on the student profile. Just click the mark you want to change, and update the mark in the slide over.

Editing individual roll call marks from this page edits the lesson mark that the roll call mark is currently being derived from, but will not change any other marks. This means that after editing the roll call mark on this page, it may not always change. You can see how this works in the How does changing the mark from here work? section.

If you need to change marks for a whole morning or afternoon, please use the Bulk Edit Marks pages.



How does changing the mark from here work?

Editing individual roll call marks from this page edits the lesson mark that the roll call mark is currently being derived from, but will not change any other marks. This means that after editing the roll call mark on this page, it may not always change.

For example, this is the student's current roll call mark.



It is a present mark because the student has been marked present in a lesson that overlaps with the roll call time.



If I were to change the roll call mark to an absent mark, his roll call mark will not change. However, if you were to go to one of the Bulk Edit Marks pages, you'll see that the mark for the lesson will have changed.

This is because editing the mark on the Roll Call Marks page edits the lesson mark the roll call mark is derived from. However, because the registration period now has the 'best mark' during the roll call time, this mark is instead used to calculate the roll call mark, meaning it remains a present mark.




I have tried to change the roll call mark but it didn't update?

Editing individual roll call marks from this page edits the lesson mark that the roll call mark is currently being derived from, but will not change any other marks. This means that after editing the roll call mark on this page, it may not always change. Take a look in the sections above for an example.

Why are there blank fields in my table?

If there are any blank fields, this means either:

  • the registers for the day are not yet open, such as when you are looking at the PM sessions during the AM
  • there were no classes scheduled for the student that overlapped with the roll call time, so there were no attendance marks to be used as the roll call mark
Why is there an error in my table?

If the registers are open but an attendance mark has not yet been filled in, you may see a validation error.

You cannot add any missing marks from here so would need to remind the teacher to fill in the marks or edit the marks from the Bulk Edit Marks pages.

Can I use this page to edit future marks?

No, this page can only be used to edit attendance marks that have already been input. You should add planned absences to set future attendance marks. 

What happens if I delete a roll call mark from here?

If you click the X to delete the roll call mark, this will delete the lesson mark that the roll call mark is being calculated from.



When the roll call mark is deleted, the Reg mark is deleted as this was the original mark that was being used as the roll call mark.

  • The roll call mark may not be deleted but will default to the next best attendance mark during the roll call period.
  • If no other mark is found, there will be no roll call mark. You would need to use the student profile or the Bulk Edit Marks pages to fill in missing lesson marks, and generate a new roll call mark.
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