Timetable Periods and weekly cycles

Timetable periods can be used to help align your attendance marks into set groups. We usually recommend only secondaries to use this feature as it is useful for schools with complex timetables where some scheduled sessions may overlap or change across different weeks.

For example, before defining timetable slots, your school timetable in Timetable > School Timetable > Grid View could look something like this, with every different timetable slot with its own period.



After setting up timetable periods, your classes will be grouped into periods and labelled by the period.



Setting this up also helps when retrospectively inputting attendance marks on the Bulk Edit Marks page, as classes will also be grouped into periods here. 



To define your timetable periods, go to School > Timetable > Timetable Administration > Timetable Settings.



One-week timetable periods

By default, your timetable will repeat each week. If you would like to change to a two-week timetable, see the section at the bottom.

To define timetable periods, click +Add in the Timetable Periods section.



In the slide over, choose the name of the period and the start and end time. This will define the start and end times for each period created for each day. Then click Add. 



The timetable periods will then be created for each day.



Repeat this process for every timetable period you want to create. For example, for secondary with a one-week timetable may look something like this:



To edit the times of an individual time period, click the time period to change. In the slide over, amend the times then click Update.



Editing the name of timetable periods

It isn't possible to edit the name of timetable periods once they've been created. You would need to delete and re-add the period with the correct name.

To delete a period, click on the timetable period and click the red Delete Timetable Period button. You can also tick the boxes next to any period to delete, and use the bulk actions to select Delete Timetable Periods.



Two-week timetable periods

By default, your timetable will repeat each week. This will reset to a one-week timetable each academic year.

If you would like to change to a two-week timetable, click to set this up. This allows you to set different timetable periods for each week.

Please be sure you want to use a two-week timetable, as once you select this option you will need to contact us if you want this process reversed for the current academic year.

Please Note: We can only accommodate a one or two-week timetable maximum. 



Select which weeks of your academic calendar will be week A and which will be week B, then click Save Timetable Cycle.

Please note that changes to your timetable cycle can only be performed between 2pm and 5pm. Outside of these hours, you won't be able to click on the timetable cycle to edit it, and the slide over won't appear.



  1. To define timetable periods, click +Add in the Timetable Periods section.
  2. In the slide over, choose the name of the period and the start and end time. This will define the start and end times for each period created for each day. Then click Add
  3. The timetable periods will then automatically be created for each day for both weeks.
  4. You can amend a slot by clicking it. For example, if lunch is at a different time on week B.

Repeat this process for every timetable period you want to create. For example, for a secondary with a two-week timetable, it may look something like this. Notice in this example, the gap for lunch is different between week A and week B.


Why can't I change the two-week timetable?

Changes to your timetable cycle can only be performed between 2pm and 5pm. Outside of these hours, you won't be able to click on the timetable cycle to edit it, and the slide over won't appear.


Swapping weeks A and B

This A and B sequence can be changed at any point. So, for example, if you come back on Monday after a half term and it says week A, but you want it to be week B, this is amendable. Changes will then cascade to all subsequent weeks. 

You can see how to do this here: Can we swap weeks A and B in our timetable?

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I'm still stuck!


  • Hi, I have set this up KS3 and KS4 have different breaks in our school. KS3 have Period 1, Break, Period 2, Period 3. KS4 have Period 1, Period 2, Break Period 3. I have tried entering this but it then shows duplicate Period 1 and Period 2. I have had to just have one entry, correct for KS3. When I print timetables, it show the exact times, which are incorrect for KS4. Please can you help and tell me how to correct this?

  • Hi Luke, if you want to use timetable periods, you'll need to set the start and end times of each period across your school. So in this example, period 2 will need to span from the start of KS3 break to the end of KS3 period 2. There isn't a way to set different timetable periods for different school groups. The other option would be to remove timetable periods.


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