Remove students from classes and fix clashes where students are enrolled into multiple lessons

This article explains how to manage student enrollments in classes, specifically focusing on removing students from certain lessons using the Timetable Slot Student Exception feature. It covers permissions required, steps to create and manage exceptions, resolving lesson clashes, and bulk editing options. Additionally, it addresses frequently asked questions regarding the functionality and implications of changes to student enrollments and timetable slots.

You may need to remove students from certain lessons in a course, for example if they're on a reduced timetable, or they have clashing lessons where one subject takes priority.

Using our Timetable Slot Student Exception functionality, you can exclude certain students from certain Timetable slots without removing them from the whole course. This means you don't have to edit your course structure, un-enrol students from the course, or add them to individual lessons.


You'll need the School: Teaching: Administer or School: Academic Structure: Administer permission to use Timetable Slot Student Exceptions. If you don't have permission, you'll need to ask an administrator to give you permission following these instructions.

Removing students from certain lesson registers

If there isn't a clash, but you need to remove a students from a register, you can still create a Timetable Slot Exception.

You can do this from anywhere you can view information for a timetable slot. For example, when going to School > Programmes > Courses and clicking on the timetable slot in the course.



Click +Add to add a new exception.



In the slide over, select the Effective day of removal (they'll be removed from any lessons on this date and onwards), and the End date of removal (they'll appear again in lessons that take place the day after this date or later).

Select the student(s) this should apply to, then click Save.



Changes to the student timetables will be done in the background, and you'll see a list of the exceptions for this timetable slot.



You can use the Bulk action button to edit the dates of the exception or delete it.

Top Tip: If you delete an exception after attendance has been taken for a register during that time period, you'll have missing marks to fill in: Find and add missing or blank attendance marks



Seeing and resolving clashing lessons

You can see a list of lessons with clashes by going to School > Timetable > School Timetable > View Clashing Lessons.



Click into the filters to change the year or week view, or narrow down the list of students to look for clashes for - you can select a student group or individual students.



  • Click on a lesson and click More Information in the slide over to jump to the Course overview.
  • Click on the number of students to go to the Timetable Slot Clashes page.



Creating an exception to resolve a clash

On the Timetable Slot Clashes page, you can see details of the clashing lessons. You can also see a list of all the students that are enrolled in both lessons.

The effective date in the filters will default to the most recent school week, but you can change which week is selected by clicking into the grey filter bar.



To remove students from one of the clashing lessons, tick the boxes next to the students to select them. Select which lesson to remove them from.



In the slide over, select the Effective day of removal (they'll be removed from any lessons on this date and onwards), and the End date of removal (they'll appear again in lessons that take place the day after this date or later).



Arbor will then create a Timetable Slot Student Exception for these students to remove the student's enrolments into the lessons in the background. You'll see a pop-up message, so you'll need to wait a few minutes and refresh your page for the changes to be made.



You'll then see there is only a tick in one column for the lesson they remain in for the date range you selected.



See all students enrolled in one course

Click into the filters if you want to see all students enrolled in each course, regardless of whether they have a clash.



Top Tip: Click the column header to bring all your blanks up to the top.



Removing Timetable Slot Student Exceptions

If you've created a Timetable Slot Student Exception by mistake, or if you want to have the students appear in the registers for both classes again, go to School > Timetable > School Timetable > Timetable Slot Exceptions.

Click into the filters to determine which exceptions to show. You'll need to either:

  • Leave filters blank to show all timetable slot exceptions for the academic year.
  • Select a course using the Students in field, then select one of the scheduled lessons for that course from the Timetable slots at the same time as field to see all exceptions for that course at that time. Perfect for filtering for temporary alternative courses to put students back into their main course.
  • Select a Day of week and start and end times to filter for exceptions during a specific time period.

If you input both, we'll use the course and timetable slot fields to determine what's shown.



Once you can see the list of individual students and the exceptions you want to remove, click the boxes next to their names. Use the bulk actions to edit the effective date, end date or to delete the exception.



Bulk edit effective date - this will change the start date for the exception, so student will only be removed from lessons from this date onwards.



Bulk edit end date - this will change the end date for the exception, so students will appear again in lessons that take place the day after this date or later.



Bulk delete student exceptions - This will remove the exceptions created for this timetable slot, so students will appear in registers, and the lessons will appear in their calendar, for both the lesson and the clash.



Once you've completed an action, we'll update the exceptions and show you a pop up.




What's the difference between this page and the existing Clashes page?

The clashes page from School > Timetable > School Timetable > Clashes shows each clash for each individual student, for all events, such as interventions, internal exclusions etc, across multiple weeks.

Whereas the View Clashing Lessons page enables you to see clashes between lessons (rather than students) for a set week, or 2-week timetable cycle.

How do we choose which is the lesson and the clashing lesson?

The order between whether the lesson is flagged as the lesson or the clash is random. Using our new tables, you can move the columns into any order you wish.

Can we view students not in the register because they have an exception?

Yes! You can view from anywhere you can view information for a timetable slot. For example, when going to School > Programmes > Courses and clicking on the timetable slot in the course.

From here you can add, edit and delete student exceptions for that individual timetable slot, in the same way as from the Timetable Slot Exceptions page.



What happens if we end timetable slots or the students' enrolment?

  • If you end a student's enrolment into a course or your school, we'll also change the end date of the exception so it matches the end date of the enrolment. 
  • If you change the start date of a student's enrolment into a course, we'll also change the start date of the exception.
  • If you change the end date for the timetable slot to be earlier, we'll also move the end date of the exception earlier to match.
  • If you delete the timetable slot, the exceptions will be deleted.

Please note that if you extend the enrolments or timetable slots to end later on, you'll need to edit the exception to extend the date.


What happens if we try to create an exception that overlaps with another?

  • When adding another exception for a student for the same timetable slot, you won't have duplicate exceptions. Arbor will update the dates of the exception to cover any additional days.
  • If a student has more than one exception already and you add another, we'll update the end date of the first exception to cover any additional days.

If the student has multiple exceptions, we may not be able to create the new exception, and will show you this message. You’ll need to update the date ranges for the existing exception(s), avoiding having overlapping dates where possible.


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