Changing the Start and End Times of registers and timetable slots in bulk

This article provides instructions for changing the start and end times of timetable slots in bulk, advising against this action if attendance has already begun. It outlines the steps to follow if attendance has not started, including navigating to the timetable administration section and using the bulk action feature to edit times.

Whether you should follow the instructions below will depend on where you are in the year:

  • We recommend you not use this option if you've already begun taking attendance, as this can impact your school’s statutory attendance for past registers. Instead, we'd advise ending the timetable slot and adding a new one from the course (shown in the section at the top of this article).
  • If you have not began taking attendance, follow the instructions below.

1. Go to School > Timetable > Timetable Administration > Timetable Slots.

You can filter on this page if you only want to see a specific year group, course or lessons taught by a certain teacher.

To bulk change start and end times of timetable slots, you can use the tick boxes next to the lessons you want to alter.

2. Click the Bulk action button

3. Select Edit Start and End Time.



In the slide over, put in your new start and end times, then click Save Changes


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