What do Actions in Communication logs do?

In Arbor, you can view all sent and received communications in the Communication logs, and take further actions such as sending follow-up messages.

When clicking into a particular communication in the log, you can take further actions by clicking the Actions button.


  • Send and administer school communications: Administer - Take action with communications, such as marking a communication as private
  • View school Communications: View - View communications sent in any Communications Log

If you don't have permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


What actions can be taken?

The actions you can take will depend on the communication type.

  Email SMS Letter In-app message Meeting Telephone call
Email reply Yes Yes  Yes Yes, but not from Actions - see how to do this here. No  Yes
SMS reply Yes Yes Yes Yes, but not from Actions - see how to do this here. No Yes
In-app message reply No No No Inbound Yes, Outbound No No No
Set action flag Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
Delete No Inbound No, Outbound Yes Yes, but not from Actions - see how to do this here. No No Yes, or edit
Manage communication tags Yes Yes Yes No No Yes


Public or Private

Communications marked as Private can only be viewed from the All School Communications > All Comms log. If you need to change the setting for a communication, you can see how to do this here: Mark communications as Public or Private

Managing communication tags

Communication tags determine which Communications log a communication will be listed under.

Setting an action flag

Please note that setting an action flag is just a note on the communication log. It will not notify anyone when the date of the action is reached or passed.

To set an action flag, click the great Actions button and click Set action flag.



Add the date the action is required by, then Save Changes.



The note will then show on the Communication log when selecting that communication.


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