How can I view all upcoming student's birthdays?

Upcoming birthdays

In Students > All Students > Browse Students > Birthdays or Students > All Students > Birthdays you can see a list of all your student's birthdays and ages the student is turning on their birthday, with upcoming birthdays at the top of the list.

You can bulk select multiple students to perform a variety of actions such as sending communications such as email or SMS to parents.



Birthdays in a certain month

Go to Students > Demographics > Derived Indicators and select Birthday.



Click into the filters to select the month.

You can also choose to chow the inverse of the demographic - in this example it would show you everyone who is not born in April.



You can see a list of students, including their name, year groups and registration form.

You can download the table, or click on a student to see more details, or jump to their profile.


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