How do I stop communications being sent to this guardian?

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You can unsubscribe a guardian from mail merge emails, SMS, letters and in-app messages. This will not prevent them from logging in unless you disable access.

Please note that when doing this:

  • they will still receive communication sent directly to them from the guardian or student profiles
  • they will not receive any communications sent through Incident Workflows.


You will need the Student: Guardians: AdministerAll/My Students permission. If you don't have permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


You can see how to do this in bulk here: Updating Guardian Contact Details in bulk

Or for individuals, you can also go to their guardian profile and click the relationship with the student in the Linked Students section.



Tick the box to unsubscribe them from communications, then click Save Changes. You'll need to repeat this or each student they have been linked to.


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