How do I send the CTF to the destination school?

How do I create the CTF?

You can see how to generate a CTF by following these instructions: Generating a CTF

You can also generate CTFs in bulk when completing Step 2 of the New School Year Setup Process.

When should we create the CTF to send?

  • CTFs for students who leave during the academic year can be created and sent at any point once the student leaves.
  • You would need to wait until you've finished recording attendance and SATs for students leaving at the end of the academic year. The option to generate CTFs in Step 2 of the New School Year Setup Process has been placed in the same step so you have everything to do with your leavers in one place.

I can't select the right destination school

If you can't select a school when generating a CTF, follow these instructions.

Please note that even when selecting the right destination school, the CTF will not automatically be sent to that school.

How do I send the CTF?

Arbor will not automatically send the CTF to the student's new school (the destination school).

You will need to download the file - this will usually be to your Downloads folder on your computer, but you may have set a different default folder.

You then need to send the file to the school, perhaps through the DfE's secure portal S2S. Arbor does not provide a service or portal to send CTFs.

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