New School Year Setup Step 5 - Houses



The next step is to copy over your Houses for the next academic year. This step is optional.

  • If you want to copy over or create houses, follow the instructions below.
  • If you don't, click Mark as Complete and move to the next article on Registers (click here for Primaries or here for Secondaries).

How long will it take?

This step usually takes schools around 15 minutes, but can take longer if you have new houses to set up or lots of students to move around.


Copy houses from this year to next year

Go to School > School Structure > School Year Setup and select step 5. Houses.




Click to copy them. In the slide over, select which houses you would like to copy over. Students who are enrolled in a house for the current academic year will be enrolled in the same house in the next academic year. Current house tutors will remain assigned.


Once you have copied the houses, they will be listed in the Review section of the page.


If you click the Copy houses and house enrolments button again after you have copied all of your houses, you will see a message saying no results found as seen below. This is because the houses have already been copied and no further action is required in this slide-over.


Add new houses

You can also set up entirely new houses as needed by clicking +Add in the Review section.




Editing the houses

To edit the student enrolments in the House, or change the staff assigned, click into a House.




Mark as complete

When you are happy that this section is now complete, click the green Mark as Complete button.



If you wish to return to this step and make any changes, click the red Return to incomplete button, or click Make further changes to Houses.

You must click the Mark as Complete button again to save your changes and enable you to continue editing the all the next sections.





Houses and Applicants

Don’t forget to go back to Step 3 and enrol your applicants if you skipped this earlier. You can assign applicants a year group, registration form and house directly from the applicants page, or assign students to houses using the final Review and check.



I can't access this step because it is Locked

If this step is locked, you'll need to go back to these steps and mark them as complete by clicking Mark as Complete:

  • Academic Calendar
  • Off-Roll Leavers
  • Year Groups and Registration Forms




We want to use houses next year but don't use them now

If you don't currently use houses but want to next year, you won't be able to copy them over.

You can either add new houses following the instructions above, or follow these instructions: Set up or add a House and manage house enrolments

Can I reset this step?

Please see our guidance here: Can I reset a step in the New Year Setup?

Why haven't my students copied over?

You'll need to check that you have students enrolled in Houses in your current academic year which you can review by going to Students > Enrolment > Pastoral > Houses

  1. Click on the House and click +Add from the Current Students section to add students.
  2. Use the instructions above to reset this step in New School Year Setup.
  3. Then you can copy over your Houses and students.

Alternatively, you can go to the house for next year and click +Add to select all the students who were in the house last year to automatically add them to the house this year.


What's next?

The next step in the New School Year Setup Process is to create your Registers for next year.

  • If you have only KS2 or below pupils, please use the primary guidance: Registers for Primaries
  • If you have KS3 or above pupils, please use the secondary guidance (including if you are an all through or a school with a Sixth Form): Registers for Secondaries

If you're a special school, please choose the guide that is most appropriate to you, as the setup is majority the same whether you're a special or mainstream school.

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