New School Year Setup Step 2 - Off-Roll Leavers

This article outlines the process for off-rolling leavers during the New School Year Setup, including bulk un-enrollment of students, adding destination schools, and generating CTFs. It provides step-by-step instructions and tips for managing leavers efficiently.


This step is required, but you can return to it once completed to make further edits.

How long will it take?

This step takes around 30 minutes to complete, depending on whether you're un-enrolling individual students, how many different destinations you need to add, and whether they are already Linked Organisations


Managing your leavers

Go to School > School Structure > School Year Setup. Click on the second step to unenrol the students who are leaving your school in bulk, which helps save you time as you don’t need to end students who are moving on individually via their Student Profile.



Leavers from earlier in the year

Before you get started, on this page you’ll see in the Review section any students who have already left or have been given an end date within the current summer term, for example, if a student emigrated halfway through the year.



Un-enrolling in bulk

To Off-roll your leavers, click the Off-Roll Leavers field.



In the slide over, choose which year group to off-Roll leavers from. This will usually be:

  • your Year 6 if you're a primary
  • your year 11 if you're a secondary
  • your year 13 if you have a post-16 provision

Click the year group to end - this will bring up a list of all students who have not already been marked as leavers.



Keep ticked any students you want to be off-rolled with the same leaving date and leaving reason. If you’re not sure which leaving date or reason to put, please contact the DfE.

Untick any students who will be staying at your school (such as students moving from your nursery to reception, or moving from year 11 to your sixth form).



You can un-enrol any other students in the same way. Just select the year group they are part of and untick every other student in that year group.



Adding destinations

If you have any students who are moving to one of your linked schools, tick the box next to their name and click the Bulk action button to select Set destination School



Don’t see the destination school you’re looking for? You can add it to your Linked Organisations.



Generating CTFs for your leavers

Once you’ve set destination schools, you can generate a CTF with your Leaver’s information. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page.




Top Tip: Don’t see the school name in the School field? Click Back then select Unknown Destination in England or Wales to generate a CTF that can be imported into any school!



If you nee to edit any of the student’s information before exporting the CTF, click on their name in the table and click Edit in the slide over. You can then amend the information if incorrect, or add a new enrolment if a student has returned to school after a period of absence.



When the CTF is ready to download you’ll get a notification in the top right of your Arbor site. Click the notification. Don’t see the notification? Click the refresh button in your browser.




In the slide over, click the Download button.


The CTF will then download to your computer into your default downloads file. Do not open the file.

You can then send the file to the destination outside of Arbor following your school’s policy.



Mark as complete

When you are happy that this section is now complete, click the green Mark as Complete button.



If you wish to return to this step and make any changes, click the red Return to incomplete button.

You must click the Mark as Complete button again to save your changes and enable you to continue editing the all the next sections.






I can't access this step because it is Locked

If this step is locked, you'll need to go back to the Academic Calendar step and click Mark Calendar as Complete. This will unlock step 2.




Can I reset this step?

Please see our guidance here: Can I reset a step in the New Year Setup?

What end date should we use?

How do I change a destination once set?

Please see our guidance here: Can I change a leaver's destination school? 

Can we set destinations for UCAS?

If your college completes the ILR (not the School Census), you can see how to do this here: UCAS destinations

How do we record attendance for study leave?

Please see our guidance here: Recording attendance for year 11s on Study Leave

I don't have the option to create a CTF?

If you don't see the option to generate CTFs on this page, follow the step to add destinations. You'll then be able to create CTFs.



What's next?

The next step in the New School Year Setup Process is to copy over your Year Groups and Registration Forms.

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