New School Year Setup Step 6 - Registers for Primaries



The next step is to create attendance registers for the next academic year.

All schools must complete this step, including primary schools. If you do not complete this step, you will not have any registers in September.

How long will it take?

This step usually takes schools around 30 minutes to set up and add students to the right registers, but will take longer if you have extra classes to set up. 


Nursery registration sessions

If you have nursery children at your school, you will need to schedule registers for them first. Because your students may not be attending full time, you will need to schedule registration forms and enrol your nursery students into them differently, depending on whether they attend during the same times every day or not.

You must follow the instructions in our Scheduling your Nursery registers guide before following the instructions below to schedule your other year groups’ registers.

Please see this guide: New School Year Setup - Scheduling your Nursery registers


Scheduling your registration sessions

Go to School > School Structure > School Year Setup and select step 6 Registers.

Ensure you have created all the registration forms you need to in step 3 - these will be the student groups you'll be creating registers for.



For primary schools, we recommend selecting option A. Schedule Sessions from Registration Forms.



This will bring you to a list of all the registration forms you have. Select the registration forms, then click the Bulk action button to select Schedule Registration Forms.



A slide over will appear where you enter the start and end times for the Registration Forms you have selected. You might want to check what they are this year first.

Enter the start and end times, making sure your Morning end time falls at the beginning of lunchtime (to prevent errors during Census), and your Afternoon end time is the end of the school day. Leave a gap for lunch.



You can see that they've been timetabled. You can click into these to view more information.



When you return to step 6 (by clicking Setup in the left-hand menu), you will now see a list of all the scheduled Registration Forms.

You can then click the green Mark as complete button if you don't want to schedule any more classes to let the system know that you've completed this step.



Scheduling reception classes

If you have a Reception you will also need to choose if you will be using regular attendance patterns for your Reception students or not. Using attendance patterns means that your students attend between the same times every day, for example, if your students attend Mon-Fri mornings only.



We recommend selecting ‘no’, as it is easier to make adjustments if necessary. If you select ‘no’:

  • They will be set up like other year groups.
  • All the lessons for the whole week will be scheduled directly against the top-level course for the reception class, without creating all the AM/PM bottom-level courses.
  • Students will be automatically enrolled in sessions based on their enrollments into Registration Form groups.

The setup will look something like this:



If you select ‘yes’:

  • They will be set up in the same way as Nursery registration sessions.
  • Separate modules for each AM and PM session, for every day of the week, will be created and the lessons will be scheduled against those modules automatically.
  • Each session will become a bottom-level course with one class time within it.
  • You will need to make sure that you have set attendance patterns for your reception students for them to be automatically enrolled in these classes, and for them to appear on the register.

The setup will look something like this:



Adding additional classes

This is optional, and is only needed if you want to take attendance registers for students outside of their usual AM and PM sessions.

Setting up the class

If you have more classes than just the registration groups, you can set up additional classes. Make sure you have these pieces of information ready:

  • What you will call the class and the subject name
  • What room the class will be in
  • Which teachers will be assigned to the class
  • When the classes take place

Choose the option to Setup Courses & Classes from scratch.



A slide-over will appear where you need to enter information about the course/class you are setting up.

You can only select one year group per course you create. Leave the Year group field blank to be able to create sub-modules assigned to different year groups.

When all the details are correct, click on the green Add Course button.



This creates the course (the top-level component). The next step is to set up class groups if not all of your students will be in this lesson at the same time.

To do this, from the Course Overview, click +Add in the Modules section.

In the slide over add the name of the module and fill in the other details. In my example, year 5 and 6 do a music class so I’ll need to add a module for each. Select the year group then click the green Add Module button.



You will be taken to the module overview. To schedule lessons for this class, click +Add in the Classes & Lessons section.

You can then choose to schedule multiple regular lessons.



In the side over, select the days the lessons will run on, the time, effective dates, location, and the teacher. This ensures this person sees this lesson in their calendar.



Enrolling your students

The next step is to enrol your students into this class, so they will appear on the registers.

We recommend using our bulk enrolment page by going to Students > Enrolment > Courses > Bulk Enrolment. You can see how to enrol students into their registers from here following this guide: Bulk enrol students into lesson registers


Make sure you have registers for your first day back

If you don't have registers set up, your teachers won't be able to take attendance on your first day back! To check they've been set up, first take a look at when your registers should start. Go to School > School Structure > Academic Years, then select the upcoming academic year.



In the example below, the first day of the term is the 1st. However, as I have put the 1st as holiday days, the first day I need to take attendance is 4th of September.



Next, go to Students > Attendance > Registers By Date. Click the calendar icon, and select the first day your registers should exist for, then click Change Date.



If you've set up your registrations correctly, they should appear on this page! If they don't, and you're sure you haven't scheduled a holiday on this day, this means either:



Mark as complete

When you are happy that this section is now complete, click the green Mark as Complete button.



If you wish to return to this step and make any changes, click the red Return to incomplete button.

You must click the Mark as Complete button again to save your changes and enable you to continue editing the all the next sections.






I can't access this step because it is Locked

If this step is locked, you'll need to go back to these steps and mark them as complete by clicking Mark as Complete:

  • Academic Calendar
  • Year Groups and Registration Forms
  • Custom Groups




Can we change the registration form names?

You can see how to do this here: Change registration form and lesson register name

Tidying up your registration structure for one-form years

When completing option A (Schedule Sessions from Registration Forms), this automatically created the registration form within a parent course for the year group. This means all of your class names can be quite long and repetitive if you only have one registration form within each year group.

To make your registration class the top-level module to simplify your setup, follow the instructions in this article: Tidying up your registration structure for one-form years

Can I reset this step?

Please see our guidance here: Can I reset a step in the New Year Setup?

What's next?

The next step in the New School Year Setup Process is to copy over or create Meals.

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