Managing the Students in Interventions

You can manage students in interventions by going to the Intervention Group Overview.


You'll need one of the School: Intervention: Administer permissions or the Student: Special Education Needs: Administer My/All Students permission (also called Student: SEN: Administer My/All Students). to manage students in interventions. If someone can't access a certain area, you can give them the right permission using these instructions


Transferring students between groups

Go to Students > Interventions and select the Intervention. Here you can see all the details of your interventions and the groups within them.

To change which students are enrolled in which group, go to the Intervention Overview and click on the Students tab. Here you can see all the students enrolled in one of the Intervention groups.

Select the tick boxes next to the students you would like to transfer to a different group and click the Bulk action button. Select Transfer students.



In the slide over you can then confirm the group to transfer these students into.



You can also complete this action from within an intervention group but in this case, you can only transfer students out of the group.

Select the group for these students to be transferred to then click the green Transfers button.




Unenrolling students

From today

To unenroll students go to the Intervention Overview and click the Students tab. Select the students to unenroll then click the Bulk action button.



This will remove them from the intervention entirely, effective from the following day.



You can also unenroll students in a similar way from the Group Overview page.



From a date in the past

You won't be able to unenrol a student from a date in the past from the Interventions area - you'll need to do this from the Interventions are of their student profile. You can see how to do this here: Interventions on the Student Profile


Removing a student from an intervention

If you've added a student to an intervention by mistake, you can delete them from the intervention. This cannot be done through the Interventions area, only from the Interventions section of their student profile. You can see how to do this here: Interventions on the Student Profile

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