Viewing and taking attendance for Intervention Groups

The intervention session page and the attendance registers work in exactly the same way as the other attendance registers you may have seen in Arbor.  


  • You'll need one of the School: Intervention: Administer permissions to view and take attendance as an admin. If someone can't access a certain area, you can give them the right permission using these instructions
  • You'll need to be assigned to the timetable slot directly to be able to take attendance for the intervention as the intervention lead. Ask your admin team to assign you if you're not able to take attendance.


Viewing and taking attendance as the Intervention lead

To access an intervention register as the intervention session lead, navigate to your Arbor Dashboard.

The intervention will appear in orange in your calendar. Click the intervention.



You will be taken to the Intervention Session Overview. You can click Attendance on the left-hand menu to view a breakdown of each student's attendance for the intervention, or select Register from the left-hand menu to record attendance. You can also click the green Take Register button.



Then you can take the register as you would in the same way as a normal lesson.



Viewing and taking attendance as an Admin

Go to Students > Interventions and choose the intervention. Select the intervention group from the left-hand menu, then click Attendance

Here you can see all the attendance marks for all the scheduled intervention sessions. Click the mark, then click Edit in the slide over to adjust the attendance mark if needed.




You can also go to Intervention Sessions from the left-hand menu, and select a session. You will then be taken to the Intervention session Overview where you can take the register if needed.



Can you pre-set attendance for interventions?

It isn't possible to automatically assume attendance marks for interventions, rather than taking attendance manually. This is because that could lead to recording that a student was somewhere they aren't, which could have safeguarding implications.

Interventions are designed to work hand in hand with statutory attendance recording. So if intervention occurs across the time period for statutory attendance, the teachers can mark a pupil as absent from their regular class and present at the intervention and their records would be correct and show present for the statutory roll call mark.

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