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Interventions on the Student Profile

Interventions a student is involved in and their reviews and costs can be seen in the student's profile. 


  • To see and use this section, you'll need either the School: Intervention: Administer All Interventions or Administer My Interventions permission.
  • You also need to either be the creator of the intervention or the intervention group lead (see step 2 here) to see intervention notes.

If you can't access this area, ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions


Go to the student profile and select the Intervention section from the left-hand menu. 

  • You'll see a tab for interventions, reviews, costs and notes.
  • Use the drop-down to see interventions that took place in previous years.

Screenshot 2024-01-18 at 10.17.11.png


Download interventions and SEN

You can print out this information by selecting the Print to PDF option in the top right-hand side of the page. Select which interventions to print the information for.



The PDF will then download to your computer, which you can open and view or print.




Enrolling a student into an Intervention

Standard intervention

Click on the +Add sign next to Interventions and you will have the ability to add the student to an intervention. 

Please note that you cannot select interventions from previous years here - you would need to use the main Interventions area.

Screenshot 2024-01-18 at 10.18.02.png


Ad hoc intervention

Click the orange button on the top right of the page to add them to an ad hoc intervention.



Adding costs and funding

You must first click on the intervention which is cost & funding is going to be added onto, this can be selected from the list found under Interventions.

Once you have clicked on the intervention, you will be presented with a slide over. Click on the grey More Information button. This will take you to the intervention overview where you can add costs.

Screenshot 2024-01-18 at 10.19.38.png


Intervention notes

Here you can see any notes you have permission to view.

Screenshot 2024-01-18 at 10.21.11.png


You can click on a note to edit it. You won't be able to click the Save Changes button if you didn't originally add the note. 



Ending student enrolments in interventions


Click into the intervention you want to unenrol the student from and click Edit in the slide over.

Screenshot 2024-01-18 at 10.19.38.png


Change the end date, then scroll down and click the Save Student Intervention button.




Removing an intervention

If you've added a student to an intervention by mistake, you can delete them from the intervention. Please note that this will remove the student from all past sessions of the intervention and there is no way to undo this deletion.

Click into the intervention you want to delete the student from and click Edit in the slide over.

Screenshot 2024-01-18 at 10.19.38.png


Scroll down to the bottom and click the Delete button.


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  • When you print out the child's interventions and other relevant SEN information, does this or can this include all previous interventions the child is no longer enrolled on?

  • Hi Jackie, when you click the Print to PDF button, you can select which information to print out. You can select interventions if the student was ever enrolled in them, even if they are now no longer enrolled in the intervention.


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