In year leaver - Ending a student's enrolment

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This article provides guidance on how to end a student's enrolment at a school, including the necessary permissions, steps to unenrol a student, and how to handle redundant attendance marks after a student has left.

This article can be used when a student has attended your school and you want to mark them as no longer being enrolled. If you want to unenrol students in bulk, you can do this in Step 2 of the New School Year Setup process.

If the student has never attended your school, you can instead see how to delete the enrolment.


You'll need the Enrolment: Administer All Students permission to manage students' enrolments into the school, and into their year groups, registration forms and houses.

If you don't have permission, contact your office staff - they can follow this guide to give you the right permission.


Ending the enrolment

To end a student's enrolment, go to the Enrolment section of the student's Student Profile. Click on the student's current enrolment.

in the slide over, click on the orange Unenrol Student button.

Screenshot 2024-02-29 at 09.27.44.png


Select the leaving date and reason, then click one of the Unenrol options.



If the student is currently enrolled into at least on Programme of Study, you'll also be able to select the Withdrawal Reason.

  • If the leaving date is before the start of the current academic year, all enrolments for the current academic year will be deleted.
  • If the leaving date is in the current academic year, all programme enrolments for the current academic year will be ended, and the student will be marked as Withdrawn.

Screenshot 2024-02-29 at 09.38.28.png


You'll then see a list of everything the student will be unenrolled from. Scroll down to click Confirm Leaving Date if correct.

Screenshot 2024-02-29 at 09.43.12.png


Editing a student's leaving date

You can edit a student's leaving date if they have been unenrolled by mistake by following the instructions in the How do I edit or remove a student's leaving date or leaving reason? section of this article.


Redundant Marks

If you've been entering attendance marks for a student after they left until you received confirmation from the new school that they had arrived, you might have redundant marks on the profile. These appear because Arbor doesn't automatically delete any attendance marks, even when they're for sessions that a student has been removed from.

You may want to delete the redundant marks so they don't show on attendance certificates and don't impact their attendance - one removed their attendance statistics may change depending on which marks have been removed.

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