Set up an Arbor Report Card and link assessments

You can set report cards up, or copy a previous report card in Arbor! To create or copy Report Cards go to Students > Report Cards.

Want to upload and send out bespoke custom report cards you've set up externally, such as in Microsoft Word? Use our External Report Cards feature!

How long will it take?

  • Copying report cards - 10 minutes
  • Set up report cards from scratch - 30 minutes


  • School: Report Card: Administer - set up and share report cards
  • Students: Report Card: Administer All/My Students - download report cards for students

If you don't have the permission, you'll need to ask your admin team to give you permission using these instructions.


Creating Arbor report cards

Click the + to see how to copy a report card, or see below for how to create them from scratch.

Copying report cards

Please note that it is not possible to copy report cards into a different academic year, only to copy a report card from earlier in the year. You'll need to set up a new report card in this academic year.

If you try to copy a report card from last year, it will remain in the drop-down menu for last year and will not work properly. You'll cannot move it into this year.


Copy report cards

Duplicate your current report card by clicking on the report card you want to copy.



Click the Copy Report Card Setup button from the right of the page.



Go through the slide-overs then click finish. Your new report will appear in All Report Cards.





We will also have selected the same students to create the report cards for.



Creating new report cards

Click on '+Add' to create a new set of student reports and choose from the Standard Report or the Long Report.




Once you have selected a report type, give the report a title and a date.



Select the Attendance data (if any) you wish to include in your report. 



Select any behavioural information you wish to include in your report (if you use the behaviour section of Arbor).



Select which assessment information you would like to show on the report - we recommend setting the date range as your current assessment period or data collection window.

You can overwrite the names of columns for baselines, targets etc so you can use language that is more familiar with guardians/parents.



If choosing to include Previous Marks, you should click the drop-down menu to decide what range of marks to include. Top Tip: Don't set your date range to the full academic year if you want to include previous marks, as there won't be any marks prior to this date range and your Previous marks will show as blank.



You can choose whether to report Target Judgements alongside student marks or choose to only include the judgements to show if the student is on track to meet their target.



Your Report Card will now be visible from Students > Report Cards.



Once in your reports, you can edit any section marked with an arrow to decide what should show on the final report, including student photos, teacher initials, teacher names, school houses, and coloured progress markers.

You can also edit whether to colour code targets. For example: If a student is 'slightly below' theirtarget, Arbor will colour the progress mark yellow. This yellow can be applied to the year target too.

To add students, go to the Report Card tab and click +Add.



You can individual students, whole cohorts or a specific demographic/custom group. 



By selecting a year group, once you add assessments, you can pull through progress assessments associated with that year group.



Download a preview of the report card. Click the student's name then click Edit/Review.

If you're happy with it you can mark the report card as 'approved'. 



Staff in your report cards

Why are multiple teachers showing as academic lead on my report card?

The academic lead listed on a report card is determined by the set date range - any teacher who was academic lead at any point during this date range will be pulled through. You can view and edit the date range in the Attainment tab of your report card, in General Attainment Settings.

Can we change staff names and roles?

Please see our guidance on this here: Can I change how staff names and roles appear on a report card?


Linking assessments to report cards

If you didn't add attainment when setting up your report card, click +Add. Please see the Creating new report cards section above.



Add assessments by navigating to the Attainment tab. Here you can click +Add to add:

  • Progress Assessments - These are your Summative Assessments
  • Ad Hoc Assessments
  • Curriculums - These are your Formative Assessments
  • DfE Statutory Assessments



Summative assessments

Select the assessments from the list of ones set up for this year you've not already added.



If you click into a Progress assessment, you can change the name as shown in report cards and the grade set shown to parents in Report Cards from the default.

If you have added a course, you can also select the order to show the assessment in - lower numbers are shown first.



Ad-Hoc Assessments

Top Tip: You might want to ad Ad Hoc assessments specifically for report cards, such as for tutor comments to link.

In order for your Ad-Hoc Assessments to be visible/editable on student report cards:

  • The Ad-Hoc Assessment period has to overlap with the date range of the Report Card.
  • The Students/Key Stage in the setup of the Ad-Hoc assessment must match the students who are included in the report card setup. 

Once you have created your Ad-Hoc Assessment add it to your report card by going to Students >  Report Cards > Select Report Card > Attainment.

Scroll down to Ad-Hoc Assessments and click +Add.



Select the correct Ad-Hoc assessment by checking the box and clicking Add Ad-Hoc Assessment.



Remove an ad hoc from a report card, or change the order of by clicking onto them - lower numbers are shown first.

Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 10.10.34.png


You can then input feedback for the Ad Hoc by clicking on the individual students.

  • Comments related to Summative Marks appear before Ad Hocs in the column ordering.
  • If the Ad Hoc has the marking strategy of text it will appear in it own column.
  • If the Ad Hoc has the marking strategy of Grade or Number and has a comment it will appear under the ad hoc mark.



Curriculum assessments

On the slide over, select the assessment and custom name if needed. You can choose what information to include.



DfE statutory assessments

The date range doesn't refer to when the assessment took place. The date range filters the dropdown to show the assessments that could have been run.

  • If the student has more than one result (such as if they took the assessment last year and this year), the most recent result will show.
  • Students who took the assessment in a previous year will have their result shown in the report card.

Top Tip: If you only want to include DfE results from some student groups, we recommend setting up one report card for student groups to include these assessments for, and one that doesn't include these assessments.



What's next?

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I'm still stuck!


  • I am trying to set up a long report as our end of year report.  I just wondered if anyone has any hints and tips they could share with me please?

  • Is it possible to choose whether to print the short name for a grade or the name for a grade on the reports?

  • Hi Karen, only the options you can see in the instructions above are possible.

  • Gwyn Mabo I am trying to set up a curriculum and ad hoc report card with no summative info on it.  My main problem is that the curriculum marks are coloured regardless of the mark obtained (so I have a "secure" mark both in red and green depending on the subject.  I think that it is picking up colour from the curriculum mastery % but the grade is calculated on marked statements only!  There is no way to turn the colouring off that I can see.  The second problem is that the ad hocs aren't showing next to the subject curriculum marks.  Any ideas on how to solve these issues? Thank you.

  • Hi Rob, you'll need to contact our support team to help you resolve any issues, so please shoot us an email at

  • Hi

    I have used the Copy Report Card Setup function but this has not copied the custom text box or courses that I had added and give custom names to.

    Should these copy across to the new report.


  • Hi Karen, I'd recommend getting in touch with our support team if something hasn't copied over as you expect.


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