Complete Arbor Report Cards as a teacher or tutor

Once your school has set up a report card, teachers can go in and add in assessment marks and comments. If you're a tutor, you can add in a tutor comment if your school has added a tutor comment assessment.

Adding in tutor comments

Adding in marks

To complete your report cards, you'll need to make sure a mark has been added for the current assessment period.

You can add marks for students from within their individual report cards (shown in the Filling in the report card section below), or in bulk from the marksheet (see how to do this here: Get to the summative assessment marksheet and add marks)

Adding in tutor comments

To fill in any tutor comments, follow the instructions in this article: Getting to the summative assessment marksheet and adding marks

Go to Students > Assessments > Summative Tracking. Scroll down to the bottom of the Assessment Dashboard (the ad hoc assessment should be located towards the bottom of the list) and select it to access the marksheet.

You can add a comment by clicking into the right-hand column, then typing into the text box and clicking OK. Snippets can be used to speed up comment entry. You can see more information about Snippets here: Creating and Using Snippets


Filling in the report card

How to access the report card

To access report cards, go to Students > Report Cards and select the report card. Click into the Report Cards tab and select a student to get started.



You can also edit a single student's report card by going to the Reports section of their Student Profile.



Filling in the Report Card

You'll then be taken to the student's report card, where you can type in your comment or use a snippet - you can see more information about Snippets here: Creating and Using Snippets.

Be sure to click Save Changes after typing in the comment to ensure this is saved!

If you're the tutor, you can also add in comments and use Snippets for Tutor Comments.


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