Getting your new Arbor site School Census ready

This article provides guidance on preparing your Arbor site for the School Census by ensuring all necessary student data is imported and set up correctly. It details the use of CTFs for importing data, the Entity importer for bulk additions, and manual updates for specific data points. It also outlines what data is required for compliance with DfE's statutory Census requirements and when certain information can be added.

If you'll be setting up your Arbor site from scratch, you'll want to make sure your most important data is brought in so you can comply with the DfE's statutory Census requirements.

  • You can find further guidance on the School Census in Arbor here: School Census help and guidance
  • The DfE also provides lots of guidance on their website you can use to help you complete the School Census. You can search for information and find links to more help from this page.

Please note the following can vary for a GroupCall API migrator, we are working on adding the GroupCall Migrator specifications to this guide. If you need to raise any data discrepancies post migration please contact Arbor support or your dedicated partner and we will be advised of the next steps.

What data do we need to add to Arbor?

Alongside setting up your site, pastoral structure and timetable, you'll need to add your student data.

Using CTFs

Lots of data about students that is required in the School Census will be brought in when you add them to your site. You'll need to import your students using CTFs by following these instructions: Importing a CTF

You can see what data will be brought into Arbor using this method here: What is included in a CTF?

This includes:

  • Student names and Date of Birth
  • Student Addresses
  • Pupil identifiers such as UPNs
  • SEN statuses and needs
  • Previous attendance and schools
  • DfE assessment results
  • FSM eligibility

Using our Entity importer

Data that isn't included in CTFs will need to be manually added and checked in Arbor.

For some areas, this can be added in bulk by importing a spreadsheet. You can see a full list of these and how to import here: Entity Importer for setting up your site from scratch or adding new data

Manually updating

Some data will need to be manually added and checked - you can see these below:

Other data you can add later

Some information can be entered when completing your Census, so you won't need to add this information in until School Census time. This includes:

  • Admission numbers and appeals (Spring Census only)
  • Number of FSM meals taken (Spring Census only)
  • Universal Free school meals taken on Census Day
  • Part-time students
  • Childcare offered by your school (Spring Census only)

You can see how you'd add this data in your Census Guide.

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