Applicant new starters not included in exports, imports and payments

You may find that your applicant students starting in September don't appear in downloads or export and import templates. This is because they haven't officially started yet at your school - they have a future enrolment date, and so won't be included until September comes around.

This can happen anywhere in the system including:

Top Tip: You don't need to do this for communications - see how to use our out-of the box segments here.


For example, when generating a UDF import template and selecting your lowest year group for next year.



Because these students haven't started at your school yet, they won't be included in the template. This may mean your template is blank.



What do we need to do?

You'll need to create a Custom Group for your applicants who will be officially starting at your school in September.

Go to Students > All Students > Applicants and select the intake season. Go to Applicants from the left-hand menu.

Tick all the students who have a status of Enrolled, click the Bulk action button and select Add to Custom Group.



In the slide over, you can decide whether to add them to an existing group, or create a new one.

  • When adding applicants to existing groups, it will only be possible to select from custom groups that are set as Contains students: All.
  • When adding applicants to a new group, the new custom group will automatically set up to be Contains students: All.



If adding to an existing group, make sure the From date is today (not next year) so the students will be added right away.



If adding a new group, make sure the From date is today (not next year) so the students will be added right away, and make sure the academic year is this year not next year.



You can then jump to the group if needed using the More button.



You can then select this custom group wherever needed. In our example you can see that when downloading the UDF template, the students now populate the spreadsheet.



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