Enter candidates into EDI qualifications

Once you have set up your standard EDI, BTEC or Cambridge National qualifications, you need to enter candidates into them. This article will show you how to enter your candidates for EDI exams.

Please see our other guidance for making entries for Non-EDI exams.


You'll need the Qualifications: Administer All Students permission to enter your candidates. If you don't have permissions, ask your administration team to give you permission using these instructions


Making entries

Enter candidates and see all your students entries on the Entries > Entries by Student Group page. 

Step 1 - Filter your page

Use the filters at the top of the page to select:

  • A course to display entries for students in that course and all the exams linked to that course.
  • A custom group to enable you to enter students who have left your school into resits: I can't select students who have left to enter them into resits
  • Any other student group you will be shown a list of all the students in that group and all their entries.



Step 2 - Link courses

If you can't see any entries, click the button to link the qualifications.




Step 3 - Make entries

To enter candidates, tick the boxes next to the students you want to make entries for, then click the Bulk action button and select Enter Candidates.



In the slide over:

  1. select which qualification to enter the candidates into
  2. decide whether to enter into the award, unit, or both: Do I need to enter candidates into an award and unit?
  3. select the series. Try this article if you can't select the right one: I can't select the right series when entering candidates
  4. click Enter Candidates.



For certain exams, such as Pearson, you may need to make entries into the unit, but not the award. 

Use the same bulk actions, but leave the Award blank, selecting the unit and series only.

enter into unit.png


If you’re about to enter any candidates into Awards or Learning unit with the same discount or scheme codes, you’ll be notified in a slide over. You can then choose not to make the entry, or enter the candidates anyway.



What's next?

Once you have added exams and added candidates to them, you should check your entries are correct: Check and report on Candidate Entries by subject or student

Once confirmed the entries are correct, you must create and export an EDI file out of Arbor to then submit to the exam boards

Exam entries are not automatically sent from Arbor to the exam boards. You will need to export them and upload them to the exam boards directly.

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