Creating and sharing statements of exam results

In this article you'll see how you can print and send out statements of results for exams.

Please note that it is not possible to customise these statements, or add text (like you can with labels and timetables).


You'll need either the Qualifications: Administer All Students or Qualifications: View All students permission to download statements of results. If you don't have permissions, ask your administration team to give you permission using these instructions

Downloading statements of results

In bulk

Go to Students > Examinations > Results Administration > Statement of Results to download statements of results as one bulk pdf, or individual statements of results as separate pdfs.

Select the date range that you want to download the Statement of Results for, and select the student groups, choose your formatting options then click one of the green Download buttons.



If you've chosen to download as one file, the file will download to your computer.



If you've chosen to download as separate files, you'll need to wait until you get a notification in the top right of Arbor.

Click the notification to download the folder of files.



The files will download in a folder to your computer and will include in the file name the date, first and last name and candidate number, so, for example, 2020-08-13 Molly Wight 0083.pdf



For one student

To download an individual’s statement of results, you can also go to a student’s profile.

Further details here: Examinations records for an individual student on the student profile

Click the Download Statement of Results button.

download statement.png


Choose your formatting options, then click Download Statement of Results.

Top Tip: In-house exams without results are included even if the even if the Show entries without results box is unticked - use the bulk page to exclude these.

If you want to include coursework on your Statement of Results, tick the Show Assessable Results tickbox shown in the screenshot below.



The PDF file will download to your computer.


What do the different formatting options do?

Ticking Show entries without results will include all exams the student is entered for.

Ticking the Use windowed envelope format option will mean Statement of Results are generated in a format that when printed candidate information can be seen in a windowed envelope. We’d recommend using a DL window envelope.

On the left you can see the format when unticked, and on the right, ticked.



Ticking the Show assessable results option will include the scores for each assessable if you've imported XML results files. On the left you can see the format when unticked, and on the right, ticked.




Sharing Statements of Results

Sharing with parents

Before sharing results with guardians, make sure you have everything set up to enable them to receive the results:

Through the Parent Portal

You can choose to make student’s statements of results available on the Parent Portal and Parent App. Results can only be viewed once the embargo date and time you’ve chosen has passed. Parents will also be able to view results for In-house exams.



This feature is off by default, but you can click the Exam Results option from Students > Parents & Guardians > Parent Portal Settings to toggle this.parent_portal_setting.png

By email

Go to Students > Examinations > Results > Statement of Results. Select the date range that you want to download the Statement of Results for, and select the appropriate student groups, then click the green Email primary guardian button.



Select how to combine the emails, and modify the template if needed, then click the green button to send.




Don't see an example email? Make sure that you've selected recipients of the message, and that everyone you want to send the email to has an email address.





Sharing with students

Before sharing results with students, make sure you have everything set up to enable them to receive the results:

Through the Student Portal

You can choose to make student’s statements of results available on the Student Portal. Results can only be viewed once the embargo date and time you’ve chosen has passed. Students will also be able to view results for In-house exams.



This feature is off by default, but you can click the options from Students Examinations > Administration > Centre Setup to toggle this.


By email

Go to Students > Examinations > Results > Statement of Results. Select the date range that you want to download the Statement of Results for, and select the appropriate student groups, then click the green Email to candidates button.



Don't see an example email? Make sure that you've selected recipients of the message, and that everyone you want to send the email to has an email address.


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I'm still stuck!


  • Great thanks! It looks like Students Examinations > Setup > Centre Setup menu has changed slightly and is now Students Examinations > Administration > Centre Setup

  • Thanks for this.

    I would just urge caution on sharing with parents as this is a grey area for GCSE students.  And if they are over 18 then the results belong solely to the student.

  • Hi Kelly, you're absolutely right. However as most of our schools have students under 18, we thought it best to have both possibilities so schools can manage the results sharing process.

  • If staff enter In House Exam results in the Results Entry section, can this data be used on a report card along with a Summative assessment? Or would you recommend putting the mock results in as a Ad Hoc assessment?

  • Only the fields shown in this article can be included in Report Cards: How to set up a Report Card


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